Is Award Magnet any combination of 100 game and fun trophies as long as it's at least one of each?
Is Award Magnet any combination of 100 game and fun trophies as long as it's at least one of each?
Hello guys - quick question - how do I earn the easy 1-2-3 achievement?
I played a few Check 3 games, my rating is not the default one anymore, yet I don't have it...
Am I reading it wrong?
How do you get the "Full Day" achievement?
It refers to solving puzzles for 24 hours. But what does that mean? I've read that you don't have to do it 24 hours in a row. So what is the threshold to get the achievement?
For example, is it 'at least one puzzle an hour for 24 hours'?
The time is shown on your puzzle stats page
Magnus-GOAT Thanks got them both the achievement Castle victory and Killer king thank you very much
To get the achievement, you need to play one game of live 3 check--either against a live opponent or a live bot like komodo.
Achievements don't count versus bots. I just tried for Killer King, but it didn't count it. Yes, I did it correctly.
Yeah I tried it and I earn killer king and castle victory check my profile here take this link: Dharshan6thirumal
Can you help me Copernicus9 to get killer king
Challenge me to a daily unrated, and i will help u
does comment count?
Count for what ?
I'm just checking how that "points" system works
Here the detailed infos for ...
thanks !