Forums not letting me castle


I can't castle too no matter what. It doesn't work. Can anyone help? I have been casteling normally and 2 days ago no casteling at all. My opponents castle normally. Why mine doesn't work? Help pls


me too it is so annoying I keep losing because of it


To castle, simply move the king two spaces to the left or right, OR move the king on top of the rook you want to castle with. The rook will jump across and to the other side of the king automatically! You can't castle any time you want to, though.Nov 8, 2022 found this on google


hope it helps!!


Well.... then that is a problem sorry I had no idea


you have to fiscally lift up the king and bring him to castle

DisruptionT6 wrote:

you have to fiscally lift up the king and bring him to castle

That's for drag move. Click-move is handled differently.


There was an update made. Look at Martin's post.

I am commenting to achieve the award thing. Thank you for having me :)

I just had this issue queen side castling. They have no chance of putting anything in check or even attacking the rook. My king was never in check. I can post the images and give the game link to anyone interested. This is a huge issue, especially in bullet where the time to react to that BS is minimal


Ok... read further and we now have to physically pickup the king and move it over. This was a terrible idea guys. If an update like that is going to happen, that needs to be a warning in a modal before playing a game. Diamond membership getting pulled over that. Yikes


Why can't I castle long

Monkewithlipstick wrote:

Why can't I castle long

You can't castle through check. The black rook attacks the d1 square


Yes but when you castle long don't you end on c1


The official chess rules dont allow that, thus doesnt allow that.

Basically castling is viewed very much like en passant. Just like a pawn for a move occupies two instead of one field after you moved it from the initial field two fields ahead, thus an opponent pawn is allowed for one move to take this pawn as if it had only moved one field, the king is considered moving left or right twice, and then the rook on that side jumps over the king. If the first field the king moves to is attacked, that would be an illegal move.

Sure, you may personally disagree with this interpretation, but thats what the rules of the game say.




Put that in easier to understand terms please

Monkewithlipstick wrote:

Put that in easier to understand terms please

Basically, the king has to travel through f1/f8 on a king side castle and through d1/d8 on a queen side castle. The king can never move into or through a square that is threatened by an opponent's piece.

That's one of the rules of Chess


Thanks for explaining I didn't know that