
Chess is becoming boring

Chess is getting boring. And I dont know what to do about it. Im bored and I think about playing Chess but then Im not motivated to, because everything is always the same. What should I do? Should I learn openings?
Learn some openings

Don't worry, even for me it feels the same. However, I can suggest a few things to you from my own experience that can really help you improve your game. They might not be suitable for everyone, but worked for me.

1. Do NOT learn openings. They are a waste of time. I am around 2000 rapid rating and 1800 blitz rating here, and yet find very difficult to find an efficient way to study openings. Of course, knowing a few key concepts in openings (for example the Tal/Fantasy variation of the Caro-Kann) has helped me immensely, so even if you do decide to learn openings, focus on just one new opening for white and one for black, and only study the key concepts without memorizing lines.

2. Focus on understanding pawn breaks. Developing expertise on this single concept can help you gain at least 400-500 rating points. Applying correct pawn breaks at seemingly equal positions where there is nothing much to do can really help you open lines and gain a sudden unexpected initiative.

3. Remember that offense is the best defense. What this means, is that when your opponent is attacking your king, instead of bringing all your pieces back for defense, ALWAYS try to counterattack. This concept alone can fetch you an additional 300-400 rating points. The proper way to do this, is to first check if there is a forced mate on your king. If not, try to bring your pieces closer to your opponent's king (for example rook to 7th rank with queen eyeing from a distance). This will confuse your opponent on whether to continue attacking or start defending himself, and more often than not will end up being favorable to you.

4. Solve puzzles. I know at times it does become boring, but it is an essential training to avoid blunders, spot timely tactics and developing a more focused vision of the entire board.

5. Study basic endgames (eg. King vs King+1pawn, King+Rook vs King+Rook+Pawn (mainly Lucena and Philidor positions)), and make sure to master all the basic checkmates, like K vs Q, K vs 1 R, K vs 2 B, K+N vs K+Q, K+B vs K+Q.

I hope these suggestions help!

eagreenwell wrote:

Because chess is an inherently boring-butt game. A zillion combinations. Todd’s yadda. Openings are the same. You have to play a thousand games to get to an interesting one. It’s awful. Bludgeon your head against wall. You’ll numb yourself into an occasional sensation. That’s I’ve played. It makes the game awful. Take a break. Play your friends at home. Leave this garbage behind.

You think

That's the exiting part of the game


bullet is very exciting. the rest of chess not so much


If chess is so good, why is there no chess 2?

chesssblackbelt wrote:

bullet is very exciting. the rest of chess not so much

Blitz chess is better

It is the best of both worlds of rapid and bullet

654Psyfox wrote:

If chess is so good, why is there no chess 2?

That my friend is variants

But why does chess need a chess 2 when there are so many different versions you can make


Quit playing then ?


Its boring, because people play the same lines and never mix things up. I have lost plenty of games, because I chose to sacrifice a piece just to make my attacking positions more aggressive and fun, but would've probably won had I played boringly.


I'm lucky, I don't have any of these problems.

I like everything about a chess game: the opening is interesting, the middlegame is exciting, the endgame is a beautiful phase. Interest and boredom do not depend on what kind of opening is played, if the game is open or closed, if there are violent attacks or if everything proceedes in perfect balance until the last moves of the endgame.

For me, the interest is linked only and exclusively to how accurately I play ( and how the opponent plays ): a game is exciting if it is hard-fought and I play with precision, it is boring if I make a lot of mistakes and blunders. That's it.


Yes go 40 hours a day 10 days a week onto chessable and grind every single course down. Then take a break from chess and have like 1000 lines to review. Review all of them and boom! 10 years will have passed.

Me too
bobby_max wrote:

Chess is a calling, like the priesthood. If you're not called, go do something else with your time. You're obviously not feeling it. Even your username indicates you like volleyball more. If you like endlessly hitting a ball back and forth over a net, go to it. To me, nothing could be more boring, but you do you.

This is not true. Anyone under 2000 elo is just lazy. Everybody can get it.

I have like 3 hobbies I like doing more than chess and am still 2200.

chesssblackbelt wrote:
bobby_max wrote:

Chess is a calling, like the priesthood. If you're not called, go do something else with your time. You're obviously not feeling it. Even your username indicates you like volleyball more. If you like endlessly hitting a ball back and forth over a net, go to it. To me, nothing could be more boring, but you do you.

This is not true. Anyone under 2000 elo is just lazy. Everybody can get it.

I have like 3 hobbies I like doing more than chess and am still 2200.

No not everyone is lazy look at the forum roadblock lol

Yes almost everyone can get it

But doesn't mean 100% actually can be 2000+

Some people just get stuck their entire lives


They're just not studying correctly. Trying the same thing over and over so get stuck. 2000 is not even that good.

chesssblackbelt wrote:

They're just not studying correctly. Trying the same thing over and over so get stuck. 2000 is not even that good.

Some people yes some people no

Also on the game how long are you thinking on the move ?

BigChessplayer665 wrote:
chesssblackbelt wrote:

They're just not studying correctly. Trying the same thing over and over so get stuck. 2000 is not even that good.

Some people yes some people no

Also on the game how long are you thinking on the move ?

I've been thinking 24/7 on this move for 3 days straight, analysing every possible combination.


I'm joking, I just can't be bothered to think so I'm not looking at it yet.