
Chess Naturals?

Reb wrote: To deny there is natural talent in chess is to dismiss people like Capablanca, Reshevsky,Morphy and others in chess history.

I agree! There are chess naturals.



I used to think i were good at chess

until join this site (

 althought i do not have mutch time

i enjoy playng it

and i get more fun whem i play with someone new at it

of course i think on inprove

but have a laught

foke the big masters

sorry for the s. word

love if you wana ...

I used to be great at chess.....  ignorance is bliss.

best win: dad

worse loss: computer (again and again)

Knightly wrote:

I not a very good player, but I enjoy it all the same. When I play good players, I lose more than I win, but it's fun anyway. I can beat my grandfather about half the time, and he's about 1300 USCF. I was thinking about this. I know a lot of people that are very good at chess; I was wondering whether they started liking chess once they leaned they where good at it, or they liked it, and where not good, until they practiced. I like chess, but I stink at it. And then the people that really like it and are good, are just naturals! I envy the people that love chess, and are good at it. And then there are the people that are good, but they don't like to play. I'm one of the people who really loves chess, but I'm a rotten player. Is it that people that like chess and aren’t good, just fall away because of discouragement? It seems that all the people that play chess that I know, are just naturally good. Can you guys help me solve this mystery?

many people have had years of practice or they are naturally good


I have always liked chess but was not a "natural" player. The first club I went to I lost to everyone in the club....everyone! My first rating was a little over 1300 and my first rated event I lost every game ! 0-3 and every opponent was 1500-1600. However , I loved the game and knew I could improve so I started setting myself realistic goals in chess and started working on chess and playing more seriously. As I met a goal I would set a new one. After more than 30 years of tournament play I still do this. My current goal is to get the FM title. Too often I see players set their goals too high and when they fail to acheive them they lose heart and quit playing.
Not me! :) This is fun!