
Comment tracking suggestion


I was wondering if would be able to  do comment tracking in actual games in future, and send alert. If anybody else would like this, please feel free to leave a comment below.





To the OP are you talking about games in the analysis, showcase, opening etc forums ? 


ok orange, i had that coming. Kco , regular online games.


like vote chess when playing against titled players ? we can do that. But the problem is on the actual games the players will be able to read it as well so this will be consider as cheating ?


nonononono i think u understood wrongly. I mean if I can press track this comments page (not anybody else just me in my own games) and notify me when there are new comments. Similar to forums, except only the actual players could look at it.


This doesn't seem to address kco's point: if someone adds a comment to one of your games in progress (e.g. "your best move will be Nb3#"), you would be receiving outside help.


ohh sorry my original was unclear. I meant to say that for the comments on THIS post not the suggestion shit sorry.


I'm more confused than before: is your idea that someone posts a completed game within a forum posting - and anyone can comment - but only the two players named in the game can read the comments?


oh jesus vhrist no..let me explain. Inside an online game, there is a chat bar. I would like to know if you could track your opponents' chat in the bar privately. As in say if i were playing you artfizz and you said hey hows it going in the chat bar. Seeing as it's online and i  have 200 games going i dont see that for a while. I believe it would be more efficient if you could press track comments here only in your games where NOBODY ELSE CAN TRACK BUT YOUR OPPONENT, so that could sent alerts about it to tell me if there are new comments.

Ryan_orourke1 wrote:

oh jesus vhrist no..let me explain. Inside an online game, there is a chat bar. I would like to know if you could track your opponents' chat in the bar privately. As in say if i were playing you artfizz and you said hey hows it going in the chat bar. Seeing as it's online and i  have 200 games going i dont see that for a while. I believe it would be more efficient if you could press track comments here only in your games where NOBODY ELSE CAN TRACK BUT YOUR OPPONENT, so that could sent alerts about it to tell me if there are new comments.

If you make a comment in that chat (soon) AFTER the game is finished - I DO get an alert.

However, if you make a comment DURING the game - but you DON'T make a move - I don't get an alert. It could be a little bit confusing to receive alerts for games where it's not your move - unless the alert said: "It's NOT your move - but your opponent has just typed something in the chat box'".

(I asked a similar question 2 years ago ... alert---for-updated-chat.)


ok. I don't think it would be confusing but hey :D

Ryan_orourke1 wrote: ok. I don't think it would be confusing but hey :D

... but "hey". Yes? ...