
Estimated Elo of a player vs puzzle rating?

justbefair wrote:
CheckmateMan2000 wrote:
What puzzle rating would people be by default(100-1200)? Is a 1200 player in chess , 1700 in puzzles, or higher/lower…?

Puzzle ratings don't really correlate well to playing ratings. They mostly reflect the amount of puzzles you have tried.

The puzzle leaderboard shows one guy with 65,000 points. Do you think he's 20 times as good as Magnus Carlsen?

yeah defiantly more of a rating of how many you have done because as a 600 I had a 2100 puzzle rating. I think the point of the rating is more so "A ___ rated player will actually find this in a game" but the high end of the puzzle rating this kind of falls of ig

Chuck639 wrote:
smqed wrote:

and, for a new 900 elo player, what´s the normal/usual puzzle rating?

Add 1000 to get your puzzles rating.

i am 480 but puzzle is 900

not add 1000