
Feeling demoralised about not getting to 2000.


Hey, I've tried really hard not to fixate on rating for the last year and a half and that has finally seem to wear off...especially that I am nowhere near 2000 on rapid (bullet is a different story but that itself took insane patience and grinding...although I did rage a lot but surprisingly still have not thrown or broke my mouse).

It is becoming more and more demoralising knowing that people who start learning chess after me hit 2000 rapid before I do. I got close. I mean look at does someone get away and almost reach 2000 rapid with a meme opening?! is just unfathomable to me....I feel as if I want to quit chess once again...yet I know I will come back at some point.

What advice can anyone give on one's journey to 2000 elo?


It's not about the destination, but the journey and the people you meet on the way happy.png

62WestWallaby wrote:

It's not about the destination, but the journey and the people you meet on the way

for sure man! happy.png

might take one of my famous "long breaks" now... it used to work and I hope it still will. 🤞

We all have different amount of talent and time to put towards chess, some will grow faster than others and that’s fine.

Since you already hit 1950 on rapid I have no doubt in your ability to reach 2000

I know that feeling, I took me like 2 years to get past the 1600 mark