
frustration too many cheaters on here!!!!

I’ve lost my last 10 games or so and I feel like I’m playing against a computer on here. People play online differently than opponents in real life play. I feel that it is unfair and I wish that cheaters would get off this site. What’s the point of the game if you’re going to cheat? It’s ridiculous and I want to play fair games against real opponents not bots.

play bullet less cheaters

JennyBling wrote:
I’ve lost my last 10 games or so and I feel like I’m playing against a computer on here. People play online differently than opponents in real life play. I feel that it is unfair and I wish that cheaters would get off this site. What’s the point of the game if you’re going to cheat? It’s ridiculous and I want to play fair games against real opponents not bots.

None of your opponents were cheating.

I looked over your games.

In your first game, you completely pitched a piece in the opening. Just hung it outright. That's not your opponent's fault.

In your second game, you did an unsound piece sacrifice on g5, your opponent then blundered when he could have had a large advantage by breaking the pin on f6 (...Be7), then you failed to take advantage and fight for equality by playing Qxf6 (if Nxc2+ Kd1/d2 Qxf6 Bxf6 Rh6, you can take the knight on c2, but you're still worse.

In your third game, you tossed away a pawn then a piece in the first few moves.

In the fourth game, your opponent played the silly 1 e4 e5 2 Qh5?! and you responded with the equally bad ...Qe7? instead of developing your knight with Nc6, defending your e-pawn with a minor piece. The scary move 3 Bc4, can be counted with tempo by ...g6, and White has wasted time with his queen. Then 4 Qf3 (attacking f7 again) Nf6! (development!), and already White has to play the passive 5 Ne2, because ....Nd4 is already threatened (attacking the queen AGAIN!) (e.g. 5 d3 Nd4! 6 Qd1 d5(!) a temporary pawn sacrifice, 7 exd5 b5! (another tempo!) 8 Bb3 a5! (and ANOTHER tempo, threatening to win the bishop). 9 c3 a4(!) 10 Bc2 Nxc2 11 Qxc2 Qxd5, and black dominates the center, and g2 is attacked now and the d3 pawn is weak (Black threatens Qxg2 *AND* Bf5, winning the d3 pawn, pressure on d3 can be increased by Rd8 or long castles, which is safe since White has NO development!).

In your next game, you made the weakening move g2-g3, followed by throwing away a bishop.

We can stop here.

You may want to study tactics and work on exposed and hanging and trapped pieces, because you're missing VERY simple threats and ignoring them.


chomp on hanging pieces.

and also stop playing rapid, infested with cheaters.

HangingPiecesChomper wrote:

chomp on hanging pieces.

and also stop playing rapid, infested with cheaters.

but every 600 rated blitz game i face hikaru alt


Join to the tournament


A few months ago, I got a notification saying I was playing with 5 cheaters, and because of unfair losses, THEY MADE MY RATING GO UP BY 50!? It's legit crazy, I'll show you the screenshot.


I had a look at the games and it didn’t look like cheating to me. That being said you seemed regularly get put against players with a higher rating which sucks.
Falkentyne wrote:
JennyBling wrote:
I’ve lost my last 10 games or so and I feel like I’m playing against a computer on here. People play online differently than opponents in real life play. I feel that it is unfair and I wish that cheaters would get off this site. What’s the point of the game if you’re going to cheat? It’s ridiculous and I want to play fair games against real opponents not bots.

None of your opponents were cheating.

I looked over your games.

In your first game, you completely pitched a piece in the opening. Just hung it outright. That's not your opponent's fault.

In your second game, you did an unsound piece sacrifice on g5, your opponent then blundered when he could have had a large advantage by breaking the pin on f6 (...Be7), then you failed to take advantage and fight for equality by playing Qxf6 (if Nxc2+ Kd1/d2 Qxf6 Bxf6 Rh6, you can take the knight on c2, but you're still worse.

In your third game, you tossed away a pawn then a piece in the first few moves.

In the fourth game, your opponent played the silly 1 e4 e5 2 Qh5?! and you responded with the equally bad ...Qe7? instead of developing your knight with Nc6, defending your e-pawn with a minor piece. The scary move 3 Bc4, can be counted with tempo by ...g6, and White has wasted time with his queen. Then 4 Qf3 (attacking f7 again) Nf6! (development!), and already White has to play the passive 5 Ne2, because ....Nd4 is already threatened (attacking the queen AGAIN!) (e.g. 5 d3 Nd4! 6 Qd1 d5(!) a temporary pawn sacrifice, 7 exd5 b5! (another tempo!) 8 Bb3 a5! (and ANOTHER tempo, threatening to win the bishop). 9 c3 a4(!) 10 Bc2 Nxc2 11 Qxc2 Qxd5, and black dominates the center, and g2 is attacked now and the d3 pawn is weak (Black threatens Qxg2 *AND* Bf5, winning the d3 pawn, pressure on d3 can be increased by Rd8 or long castles, which is safe since White has NO development!).

In your next game, you made the weakening move g2-g3, followed by throwing away a bishop.

We can stop here.

You may want to study tactics and work on exposed and hanging and trapped pieces, because you're missing VERY simple threats and ignoring them.

I sense a theme here…


My score has been adjusted by approximately 60 times due to cheaters so you can’t tell me it’s just me playing poorly I didn’t ask to be torn apart.

It is full of cheaters here. Full stop.

To no. 3 if says if reported account not closed after a few days then the account most likely didn't cheat. How can you be so sure these players did not cheat. not sure. Nice to be sure.

Yeah there are cheaters on there but Wits-end didn’t tear you apart. That’s feedback as they’ve taken the time to both analyse your games and give a detailed response. Even I’m looking at those games again to go with it.

I am in the same position, i think there are toooooo many cheaters, i am not a solid player, but most of the times I feel like playing with robots. Anything I can do?


You can kinda spot the cheaters it will be like discovery check then another then another like playing stockfish or something but saying that I don't seem to play that many


JennyBling mr friend .........It may true as well .....Be a friend with me we can go with online fair contest ....


Hence only I am trying to add friends .......and play fair games only with friends

JennyBling wrote:

My score has been adjusted by approximately 60 times due to cheaters so you can’t tell me it’s just me playing poorly I didn’t ask to be torn apart.

60 times ?

Out of 11,820 games... why that's about 1 out of every 200 games.

You have a diamond membership. Do you take advantage of it? Your Insights says that you are getting big disadvantages from your openings. Why not take some lessons?

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