Sorry man, but if you had watched the link i put up, you would know it doesn't.
Qd5 is another line in the trap. The reason i call this trap somewhat risky against a more levelheaded opponent is, though white is at an advantage in position, that isn't enough for a beginner to convert to a win. Until you get to a stage where you truly understand how chess works and understand that position can sometimes be better than material, the one less pawn can be somewhat problematic. (a good player should be able to convert the above position into a win, or at least a draw.
Taking on g2 is just a mistake and Idk why you'd ever play that way.
Because it is meant to be played in FAST time controls, as i said above. Besides, no one really thinks that far ahead in lower levels of chess, especially if they are playing blitz or bullet. Of course if you are playing rapid, then you might think twice, but as i said, beginners might miss Be4 after the queen captures g2
Just a piece of advice. ONLY EVER PLAY THESE TRAPS IN FAST TIME CONTROLS. I cannot emphasise on that point more. In blitz or bullet, people cannot figure what you are doing fast enough, and you can get away with traps. In the uncommon instance you come across someone who declines the gambit, or someone who is familiar with these traps, it shouldn't matter, as you can play a normal, trapless game of chess where you follow standard protocol.
However, in rapid games, there are a number of different ways that black can refuse the gambit and come up better (removing your king's castling rights etc. Here is an example of where it could backfire:
Though this position isn't too much worse for white, it is still worse, and without the ability to castle, this can be quite problematic for white.
Just for the fun of it, i'll show you another possible trap in this gambit for those of you who can't be bothered to watch a 15 minute video:
Annotated for those who don't understand what is happening. BTW for those who are interested in opening traps- not that they help you improve- You should check out the notoriously bad Damiano defence. Cheers