
Help meeeee!!!!!!!


Guyyyyys I have aics chess competition  held intercooler.winnwe gets to tournament. I have a dream to win. Will you plzzzzz guide what to do in tournament  and easy thing to help me win.


play good


huh??... but I get that you want advise on how to do best in a tournament

learn an opening with white and one with black. I recommend queen's gambit with white, or second option is just italian or london. With black, king's indian defense is solid.

also, practice. practice leads to perfection (tho there's no perfection in chess), but it will for sure make you better.

btw what will the time control be?? if 10+ then practice rapid, if less then bullet


play Ruy Lopez, no Italian. Lopez is better.


ruy lopez is nice

pavlo_speed01 wrote:

play Ruy Lopez, no Italian. Lopez is better.

yes, but it has too much theory. It's one of the most studied openings, so there are many lines and he can fail anytime (also you and me would fail). If karan wants to give it a try, go ahead


Bro I have a simple plan in Italian as white and french too is not difficult to learn basic ideas


let's listen to alex, he is 2200+ rated lol


my elo rating is a few hundred loweer


To excel in the AICS chess competition, focus on mastering the basics: control the center, develop your pieces efficiently, and prioritize king safety. Practice tactical puzzles to sharpen your calculation skills and study classic games to understand strategic concepts. Maintain a calm mindset, manage your time wisely, and always analyze your games afterward to learn from your mistakes. Remember, consistency and patience are key; stay vigilant, adapt to your opponent's strategies, and capitalize on their weaknesses. Above all, enjoy the experience and trust in your abilities. Best of luck in achieving your dream of winning the tournament!


makes sense. Also do not fear stuff, if you get a winning position and start to fear a blunder try to calm yourself






Play as usual, do things right.


Thank you guys for your support but I didn't select because our pt teachers didn't call us for selection and they automatically selected good players. They didn't know my chess skills because I learnt chess last year. I am so sad now...... Not only me even so many of my chess friends were not called


This year I am dedicating to chess world. And play more daily games into improving myself.


As an average player with a rating of less than 400, learn the Scholar's Mate. It might be tricky, but good when you don't want to play for too long. My friend showed it to me and he's good. He has a rating of over 1200. Try more local tournaments with friends in the area to learn from them. Keep doing that until you get first 10 times in a row. Then you are now ready for farther tournaments.

FireFly962 wrote:

As an average player with a rating of less than 400, learn the Scholar's Mate. It might be tricky, but good when you don't want to play for too long. My friend showed it to me and he's good. He has a rating of over 1200. Try more local tournaments with friends in the area to learn from them. Keep doing that until you get first 10 times in a row. Then you are now ready for farther tournaments.

Start from town and then go to regions, then region cluster (Region and surrounding areas) then maybe country?




Play a lot each day.