
How can i see what game or player cheated against me


I get these messages from time to time from like the one below. so i get curious what game that was and who the opponent was, but i can't seem to find it in my previous games. is there an easy way to find the game? Or is there a reason don't want to show that?

We have detected that one or more of your recent opponents has violated our Fair Play Policy. As compensation for potentially unfair rating losses, we adjusted your following ratings:

Rapid: 904 + 8 => 912

Go into your games archive and sort games after losses, that’s the quickest way in my experience
medelpad wrote:
Go into your games archive and sort games after losses, that’s the quickest way in my experience

I guess you don't loose as much as I do cry

but yes, I found one of the games.

It would be great if could provide a link to the game in the message...

I agree, it would indeed be useful.

By the way, if we look at the statistics I have a bigger loss % than what you have

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Here you can sell your goods and cheats but do not break the rules in short join and trade for glory

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