
How do I get an actual FIDE rating?


Fide rating


what would a fide rated tournament be labled as on if there are any? i really want to get one but if i can get it without having to email the head of fide i would like too.

navergonnagiveyouup wrote:

what would a fide rated tournament be labled as on if there are any? i really want to get one but if i can get it without having to email the head of fide i would like too.

There is no such thing here. The only online rated FIDE events are on their own site.


For me, I have to win 3 matches against fide rated players in a fide Swiss tournament to get a rating

I was so unlucky I won 2 matches against a fide-rated player but the next was the last round I did not get paired with a fide-rated player so I lost my chance.