
How to improov?


So Lynakos I would suggest playing Chess every day


Or at least Watching Videos every day to Improve Your Chess


Anyways Hope this Helped


My favourite chess players are Bobby Fischer and Gukesh By the way


Improving Your Chess - Resources for Beginners and Beyond


If you want to improve in chess, the one thing you definitely should never ever do is to play bots. Chess com is a company. Its main play is to make money. makes money by gaining premium members. But there are milions of people that so week in chess that they are not able to beat even any single human player. But chess com want their money too. What they invented to gain such weak players too? They invented bots. An unbileavle stupid things that make absurd blunders to make sure that even worst chess players on planet eatrh can occasionally won some game. If you want improve in chess, do not dehonest yourself by playing bots.


Play rapid games with increment.

Alleays analyse your game before starting next one.

Try to remember your mistakes and do not repeat them. 
solve puzzles the correct way which means you never guess the move but calculate till the end. 
Study games of old masters like Morphy, Tarrasch, Rubinstein, Capablanca etc.


@safchess1 im not too good either but if you played for 5 years youd be slightly higher then 400 i also think this because on another post u said you gain 50 elo per day on a post regarding someone with 1000 elo which isnt realistic


Hi Mike Yes 50 elo per day Because for Myself I don't play a lot


Also Mike I have been Playing For 5 years but I Got Recently just Last Month


So that's why my elo is Low hope this helped

borovicka75 wrote:

If you want to improve in chess, the one thing you definitely should never ever do is to play bots. Chess com is a company. Its main play is to make money. makes money by gaining premium members. But there are milions of people that so week in chess that they are not able to beat even any single human player. But chess com want their money too. What they invented to gain such weak players too? They invented bots. An unbileavle stupid things that make absurd blunders to make sure that even worst chess players on planet eatrh can occasionally won some game. If you want improve in chess, do not dehonest yourself by playing bots.

Yeah... you're right. bots are very bad. Whenever I play with real players, I don't feel like I am improving much. Also most of them play something random. I wanted to do systematic and concentrated study, one thing at a time. Time is not an issue, I could even play 3-4 hours a day.

borovicka75 wrote:

Play rapid games with increment.

Alleays analyse your game before starting next one.

Try to remember your mistakes and do not repeat them. 
solve puzzles the correct way which means you never guess the move but calculate till the end. 
Study games of old masters like Morphy, Tarrasch, Rubinstein, Capablanca etc.

I have been watching YouTube videos and using explorer to find higher rated player games.

RussBell wrote:



Yeah. I suggest going onto chesskid and watching videos from there, are watch their videos on YouTube. I would suggest you first watch the tactic videos. 2nd Think 5 rules. These rules will help especially in the middle game but use them in every stage. the rules are- 1. Can I get something free (If you can, see what happens if you take it in your mind. If it is a bad outcome, do not take it) 2. Can my opponent get something free (If it is good for you, do not save it) 3. Can I give a check 4. Can my opponent give a check 5. Why did my opponent play the last move



Lynakos wrote:
SafChess1 wrote:

Hi Lynakos My Advice Is to Improve Watch some Chess Videos On YouTube Or get a Chess Book To learn chess more You could Join a Chess Club In your country

Hi do u know any place online where I can improve? Studies are hard so I can’t join chess club in real life.

Go watch GM Igor Smirnov from youtube ,helps me alot ,get chessly courses for openings


Learn and apply the most important principles of chess. - (core of my teaching)
Always blunder-check your moves.
Solve tactics in the right way.
Analyze your games.
Study games of strong players.
Learn how to be more psychologically resilient.
Work on your time management skills.
Get a coach if you can.

ChessMasteryOfficial wrote:

Learn and apply the most important principles of chess. - (core of my teaching)
Always blunder-check your moves.
Solve tactics in the right way.
Analyze your games.
Study games of strong players.
Learn how to be more psychologically resilient.
Work on your time management skills.
Get a coach if you can.

Thank yo for the advise sir

Learn how to spell. 🙂