
How to reach 2000 ELO ?


To reach 2000, I recommend you read Chess Fundamentals by Capablanca (my favorite book for beginners), and then read My System by Nimzowitch. By the time you are done with those two you will probably be very close. 

chessmicky wrote:

I think Carlsen understood from an early age that ratings follow performance, not the other way around

I agree.  But that doesn't mean he wasn't concerned about his rating.  He just had the skill set and ability to do something about it that few others could do.  


i would be around 2000? compared to my blitz rating here? i always have this doubt but i dont play OTB


I recommend you get to 1999 and then win a game.


Um, no. I have seen some NMs with a blitz rating around his... and many experts with lower.


I fluctuate between like 1500 and 1900 blitz here and I'm over 2000 uscf

mashanator wrote:
DrCheckevertim wrote:

Um, no. I have seen some NMs with a blitz rating around his... and many experts with lower.

And I have seen FMs with a 1700 OTB rating. Having a certain title doesn't mean you are always a certain skill.

I believe that is rare, but it's more common with FM than NM. I'm pretty sure all USCF NMs have to break 2200, someone please correct me if I'm wrong.

mashanator wrote:
Morkph wrote:

i would be around 2000? compared to my blitz rating here? i always have this doubt but i dont play OTB

Not even close. You would probably be around 1600.

i dont know i often play against NM's in this site and i dont feel them toooooo strongs

mashanator wrote:
Morkph wrote:
mashanator wrote:
Morkph wrote:

i would be around 2000? compared to my blitz rating here? i always have this doubt but i dont play OTB

Not even close. You would probably be around 1600.

i dont know i often play against NM's in this site and i dont feel them toooooo strongs

Not all players of the same title are exactly the same strength. You will find NMs on this site who are 2300. There is also the difference in OTB chess vs blitz chess - you may be great at one and poor at the other. There are countless variables. Just because you beat one player who was at one point a decent strength in OTB chess at blitz does not mean you are of the strength of that title. I have a good record against several different IMs and FMs at bullet and blitz on this site, and I do not believe I am even remotely close to being an IM or FM in OTB.

maybe you are right anyway in my case because my play style i think im stronger in slower time control, when i lose playing blitz i usually do it because the time or tactical blunders vs incorrect attack managed for overagressived players hehe, im really not bad in the positional and strategycall sense of chess, just curiuos what's your OTB rating?


I bought a few books I thought were good, including My 60 Memorable Games, a couple on openings, endgames and combinations. Got to 2000 with those.

WhoIsHe17 wrote:

CrimeZone wrote:

jamelee88 wrote:


Wow crime zone you said if you "start" to study seriously, as if you never have before. Well how did you get to 1600 without serious study ? Tips please !



Yes I am 1600 and I think I am underrated still. I believe if I am 1600 without any studying, then maybe just maybe I have some gift for chess. I truelly believe I can reach 2000 sooner or later.


Crimezone please don't just say you miraculously self taught to 1600 that doesn't help people get to 1600. Some people spend years getting to 1600. So give us some tips, what did you do to self teach to 1600 I am sure your advice will be very valuable to others who are struggling!!

I told you allready. No special studying except analysing my own games. Thats all.


Rating here also proves the strength of player, so I do not need sign up for a tornament.


  Morkaph wrote:           

mashanator wrote:
Morkph wrote:

i would be around 2000? compared to my blitz rating here? i always have this doubt but i dont play OTB

Not even close. You would probably be around 1600.

i dont know i often play against NM's in this site and i dont feel them toooooo strongs   




Before you make judgement against title players you better look at your own deficiency. Even NM have a bad day and play below their norm. 




You are not even close to 2000 elo, show respect to title players they earn it through over board play not some cheap five minute game.







I think you could be 2000 fide mashanator

Jibril_desu wrote:

If you want to learn about openings and such, I personally enjoy this guy because of the level of detail he provides.

Thanks Jibril


i am wondering the same thing

did you ever get to 2000?

if so can you tell me how you did it ?

MyNameIsAdis escreveu:

I am not ambicious to become a master in chess. My only goal is to reach 2000 rating and be good at chess, because I really love it. So guys can you give me some suggestions how to make proggres ?And what is average time in your opinion to reach that goal if I start to study chess seriously ? Thanks !

well to reach 2000 you could just win a game after obtaining a 1999 rating hope i helped


I've been playing chess since I was around 10yrs old, Im now 37yrs old. I won middle school tournaments at that age and studied quite a bit throughout the years but havent in quite some time. Ive beaten a master once (2100/2200) and an expert quite a few times (2000+) but these wins were quite a few years ago. My highest rated win in a uscf tournament was against a player rated about 1750 USCF. Id rate my current play at around 2000 USCF and it has come through years (and 10,000 games) of play and analysis just out of love for the game. I have no real desire to get stronger because 99% of the people I encounter in my daily life cant touch me in chess. Id say read read read and analyze grandmaster games where reasoning is given. Understanding why GM's make the moves they make can help a great deal. There is so much I could say but ill stop here, hope this helps.

kleelof wrote:

Do you think Carlsen ever worried about his rating?

Yeah I think he probably did in all honesty.


Why not try a higher rating? Like 2200?