

Just wondering...
cyboo wrote:
Just wondering...

Good? Over the board? Not particularly but it's a start. 


prolly depends when you started. I'm 14 and started Chess last December with a rating of 700, now im a 1500 on the board though I've kinda hit a wall.

Well I think it’s ok, but seeing the talent OTB nowadays for very young kids, it’s not really that great
SLDsapnupuas wrote:

prolly depends when you started. I'm 14 and started Chess last December with a rating of 700, now im a 1500 on the board though I've kinda hit a wall.

I too started in september and im 14 and my rating is 1500!!


I know a bunch of grownups who would kill for such a rating!

Ok what would be the normal rating for someone 14 years old?
DeirdeSkye, thanks for your insightful comment. But I didn’t say “I” was the one who was 14!

‘The question is , how determined you are?’

What would be your idea of a retraining program targeting long term improvement, and if I don’t play blitz (I have already decided to play almost no bullet), then I can only play rapid and daily, right? But rapid is too long. You see, I have a “on the Internet time limit”. If I only played rapid, I can only play like 1 game per session on, and I want to have fun playing chess as well!
Hey, BobbyPhisher960, pretty good bullet rating, eh? But...does that mean that you are ‘not determined at all’?
Normal rating for a 14 year old who has been playing for 2 years against himself/herself.
Thanks again, DeirdreSkye. How long have you been on

I'm 14 years old. Cyboo, you mean real rating? In real rating is starting ELO 1000.

Ummm what is real rating? In that case, what is fake rating? And I usually have to play against myself because nobody in real life wants to play with me and I’m not good enough to enter tournaments. That’s why I came to
DrSpudnik wrote:

I know a bunch of grownups who would kill for such a rating!



Me for example!! happy.png

To all the 14-year-old boys here (hmmm, that's probably vary sexist of me to assume you are all boys, sorry meh.png); I think you are all doing vary well, regardless of whether you are good or not (or, indeed, whether you think you're good or bad at the game).  I actually have a lot of respect for you, as I can guarantee you are all better than me and I am dangerously close to 50 (age that is, not rating grin.png)


To the Original Poster; as far as I am concerned, you are good!


What makes a good rating?

A 1000-rated player can play against random people who know how the pieces move and play an occasional game and will usually comfortably beat them.

A 1000-rated player will, however, still hang pieces all over the place and miss lots of tactics that a stronger player will exploit.  A 1000-rated player mostly doesn't understand positional concepts.

A 1000-rated player will tend to get thrashed by those who regularly play in a club or in tournaments.


At 1000, you've made a decent start down the road of chess mastery.  There are many, many miles in front of you.


At 14, there are IMs and GMs your age.  But you're also a lot better than most adults who know how the pieces move and not much more.


Perhaps a better way to look at it is to ask if you're making progress.  If you're better than you were a year or two ago, you're doing well.


ah so your 14. thanks cyboo


It's close enough that you need not correct it. A few points up or down here and there don't amount to anything. It's the long-term status or trend that says something about your play.


I see this thread is old but since it's back... a particular rating for a youth is neither good nor bad on it's own. If you a 14 year old started at 6 and was on a serious training program and was 1000 at 14... that would be awful. If a 14 year old learned the moves a month ago and trained on his own and is 1000 then that's fairly impressive. In either case as long as they are having fun and's great.


Wait what? I thought you were 13 Cyboo?


I’m a teenager and my rating is 1100 because I play against normal people as well but also against some people who play differently to how normal people play. Some people start with e4 or d4 openings and others start with rare openings. It is hard to adapt to the situation and look at the board in detail. You study an opening and all possible variations but your opponent might play a move that you haven’t looked in. To increase your rating you need to look at all possible moves from a position that you commonly see or from a phase of the game and the outcomes of the moves in detail, mostly the openings since it is about repetitive positional play.