
Is 2150 good?

AdarshPatil1 wrote:

I am 2152 on rapid 10+0

And 2292 on lichess rapid 10+0.

What would be my fide rating? .

The best way to find it out is to go to a FIDE rated event and get a rating.

Nahh 2150 is like the worst elo in the entire world. My 6 month old brother got 2500 rapid after only 7 minutes of playing chess. So to conclude you are bad
Hyper-N0va wrote:
Nahh 2150 is like the worst elo in the entire world. My 6 month old brother got 2500 rapid after only 7 minutes of playing chess. So to conclude you are bad

Good achievement for your brother , but it's still bad. He's 6 month old and just 2500 rapid excuses that he played 7 minutes only.


The site clearly want to cheer up the youngsters with their bots. The bots are way too far behind the displayed ratings. What is the point of giving bots like +700 rating if they do not match real players performance. The person here might think he can beat humans 2000+, now when he will try it and fail miserably more likely he will lose enthusiasm. Dubious strategy of this site

Annyia3 wrote:

The person here might think he can beat humans 2000+, now when he will try it and fail miserably more likely he will lose enthusiasm.

The person you're talking about left 6 years ago. So you might be right.

AdarshPatil1 wrote:

I am 2152 on rapid 10+0

And 2292 on lichess rapid 10+0.

What would be my fide rating? .

lower then ur chesscom


Sadly, he is now 999 and hasn’t played a rated game since 2019.

So for him, signing up with an inflated rating wasn’t good, it was a terrible decision.