
Is Livestreaming Not Allowed when playing FIDE Games?


Let me address the elephant in the room...Kramnik has stated that using smartphones to livestream games is against FIDE Rules. Does this mean that myself and other streamers can't no longer stream and livestream our over the board chess games with like our smartphones (For example I have my iPhone 15 Pro that I would use)? I have done my FIDE Arbiter Training and does state that electronic devices aren't allow but its all based on what the Tournament Director's checks and decision. Does anyone have more knowledge on how things may look in the future? What about recent cheating scandal like the one in Netherlands with the infamous "sockfish" incident? I would love to know yall thoughts...






Never heard about it lol if it was only Kramnik who said, it is probably just one of his craziness

Taken wrote:

Let me address the elephant in the room...Kramnik has stated that using smartphones to livestream games is against FIDE Rules. Does this mean that myself and other streamers can't no longer stream and livestream our over the board chess games with like our smartphones (For example I have my iPhone 15 Pro that I would use)? I have done my FIDE Arbiter Training and does state that electronic devices aren't allow but its all based on what the Tournament Director's checks and decision. Does anyone have more knowledge on how things may look in the future? What about recent cheating scandal like the one in Netherlands with the infamous "sockfish" incident? I would love to know yall thoughts...

FIDE regulations don't allow players to have electronic devices in the playing area

I suggest you ask other streamers who have live streamed their FIDE games and ask them what they did
Martin_Stahl wrote:
Taken wrote:

Let me address the elephant in the room...Kramnik has stated that using smartphones to livestream games is against FIDE Rules. Does this mean that myself and other streamers can't no longer stream and livestream our over the board chess games with like our smartphones (For example I have my iPhone 15 Pro that I would use)? I have done my FIDE Arbiter Training and does state that electronic devices aren't allow but its all based on what the Tournament Director's checks and decision. Does anyone have more knowledge on how things may look in the future? What about recent cheating scandal like the one in Netherlands with the infamous "sockfish" incident? I would love to know yall thoughts...

FIDE regulations don't allow players to have electronic devices in the playing area

But what about streamers like Gotham and Anna Cramling...are they not using phones to livestream the games. How does that all work and what about chessbase india with them showing games of Arjun Eragasi?


I'd work on the basis that Anna, Levy, The Botez Sisters et al are in discussion with the officials prior to the event to confirm their streaming setups.

Same as in the India Chessbase case, they've checked in advance and the TD has accepted it's allowed under certain provisions. No wifi/sim/connectivity. Recording only.

It's purely based on the Tournament Directors discretion.


Apparently there is an allowance for streaming if the arbiters agree to allow it.


I think it's ok for streaming to be allowed but it must be delayed significantly. I hope you understand why.


Oh of course...and there are ways too legitamately do that through streaming services


you can use a camera