
Local timings for last move and chat messages.


I'm sure this subject would of been debated in the past.

What do people think of local timings on the last move and chat message board as an online settings selectable option. I would find this usefull when playing multiple opponent. So that I can easily work out the best time to play locally and international. ?


 That's a good idea.

It would help resolve non-sequiturs.

As a workround, I usually insert the move number into move-specific exchanges e.g.  "good move #15".

Inserting a timestamp manually can be useful as a boundary marker, including identifying post-game remarks.

(Incidentally, this request Timestamp messages/moves in echess has been on the wishlists for at least 2 years - and resurfaced quite recently again).


Getting a little colourful there artfizz.

kco wrote: Getting a little colourful there artfizz.

As long as my remarks are not off-colour.


If its been on a wish list for 2years whats the progress. Things like this may not get done because no one person is responsible. Its ok to put suggestion into but there does not same an actions have been taken.

woof_2 wrote: If its been on a wish list for 2years whats the progress. Things like this may not get done because no one person is responsible. Its ok to put suggestion into but there does not same an actions have been taken.

Erik wrote:

this [i.e. the wishlists and the Site Feedback & Suggestions category] is a forum topic for people to throw out ideas. it isn't my project management platform, and it isn't a democratic referendum on the future of ... i read each and every post made in this forum, and i absorb the good ones, ignore the ones we can't or won't do, and keep my own list, ...


I guess the cost outweighs the benefit of this feature.