meds kicking in lost more games and time to stop for afternoon nap maybe when i wake up i try a ten min game and just stull as much as i can till the very end maybe 30 min game got to try something
losing games to my own bad play
took one more lesson today in still really nothing that helps me get to 30 moves constituently has to be a defence opening that works i keep looking at the video lesson and looking for that opening that will help me get to 30 moves constantly--- bye
SUNDAY NIGHT - playing about the same one loss one win ---so time to maybe quit for the night before i do i will do one lesson and couple more puzzles -- every little bit helps -- at least i like to believe that --- see you monday morning
Try to think more and do puzzles. This happened to me as well in my previous games
You can also try using Game Review if you have membership
Come on, we give you advice, and you don’t accept it. You continue to play blitz and you don’t listen to the advice we try giving to you.
just because you give advice even if its good advice --it might not apply to my cureent situation i try to apply what i read here but -- alot of times it just doesn't work with me that is -- i play 3/5 games because they are fast -- and i can get many games in a short period of time -- i will lose at 10/20/30 or one day just a bad as i do at 2/1 or 3 or 5 min games -- but your point is well taken that i don't always apply what others suggest for me to do ---- what i really need is a teacher i guess -- since someone gifted me one month premium membership-- i have daily taken two or lessons a day and done 6/7 puzzles before i play -- while i find them great to participate in and find interesting the lessons don't really teach me me how to win they show me principals of chess which great -- but not any winning strategies as of yet
and puzzles i go up one day then down the next with 800 being my base level- maybe they are showing me things i do wrong that's for sure - but stopping me from doing them over again or making more mistakes well that's a different matter
after a afternoon of play the meds are starting to kick in so time to stop( afternoon med nap)and needless to say iam still at 100 -- enough said ------
monday night play --- one lesson about four knights -- the teacher talked to much himself and not enough about the four knights play situation -- oh well i got something out of it -- then a four five puzzles -- lost ground there again--and then one win in a 5 min game after four losses but one win so at 108 out of the bottom one game for tonight then meds are kicking in early tonight so of to bed i guess ---
iam trying new opening after watching a couple of lessons here on the site and while it seems to work it so far--it does me no more wins than before -- which is zero -- but thats ok -- i like this opening and it gets me to about move 10 with out any problem -- of course after that i go to !@#$%^&hit but thats the next problem after i master these 10 moves down pat -- see you on the board well most of you i won't your not low enough to play me -- but at least some of you are -- see you there
off for rest of morning lost all games as expected so taking a break off to go to med appointments and a tai chi lesson afterwards -- so see you this afternoon
done for the night --- 16 losses and two wins so time to quit the lessons here on the site don't seem to be working but i will keep taking them one at a time -- maybe something will happen
wed morning session still no go ahead win -- so still at 100 -- lost of different attempts at openings but -- nothing that works at least iam losing my queen deeper in the game -- and not at the start -- ---iam really amased at all the 100 players iam playing who seem to be really good at this or at least much better at opening than iam -- why can't i play a lousy player like myself at 100 and at least get a win once in while -- something is starting to smell here and its besides me its something else----- too many 100 players have opening right out of the text books -- hummmm why are they still at 100 ??? they are mostly from indian when this happens -- it really doesn't matter too much for me since i am so bad i will never get a legit win --- but if it happens after a large sample size has been played --- what about others who at 1000 or 500 even see they same thing happening to them -- just a thought
played in a tourney tonight wed nite and well i did not win any games i did get to over 30 moves per game avg.- most games and even 40 in one so i deemed it a success before i lost my queen or got trapped
i have to lower my standards( like winning a single game ) for a while and just take what little win or success i can get -- like setting a goal of 30 moves with out losing your queen and try to just get that --- but in a row of games that will be the trick ----
thursday at noonish palyed a couple of game got to 30 moves both games still no wins but back to the grind -- won't to join a tourney but all have variations iam not familiar with so i passed back to reg games for a few more afternoon meds starting to kick in
You know why people advice to play rapid time, the best 15+10. Because chess need time to think before move, unless you are master level, can move instantly..
Play 3 min, really harm your thinking process. Your habit to move fast without thinking before move, make you lose more than win even at 100-200 rating level. This "Bad Habit" , when you play long time control still pop up.
This game, example how bad your habit. You even didn't look opponent move!.
You can joint Lichess , there free no need paid for puzzle, analysis game, lesson, etc
well thank you for the advice you gave makes alot of sense -- but i like 5 min games now and even though i lose alot -- still want to master this game before others -- good news is i won two games back to back tonight -- thats a first in weeks --- and even though i lost a lot of games most where of descent move level some even over 30 moves before i get overcome - so i believe iam making inroads ever so slowly inching towards getiing out of 100 hell bottom
but i like 5 min games now and even though i lose alot --
Base my experience before, 5 min not enough. For long time match, we training our mind to not lose focus, always thinking first. My self still got blunder, and opponent at level 1500 rating still got blunder...
It's not easy too maintain for long time, let say 35 move more... 1 move lose focus, we do blunder...
If you play less time game alot, u don't train your mind, and made "bad habit".. After that it's hard to cure anymore.
advice taken -- friday morning starting out as usuall -- 4 losses in row- no wins yet and to make matters worse all the games where under 12 moves -- with all mu opponemts play that stupid bishop and queen thing putting me into check mate --- god i hate that move over before we even begin the game
oh well play a few more game -- post office is on strike today and so no reason to go to post box to see if anyone acknowledges that i exist --- but at least no bills coming in also
sunday morning did puzzles for 20 mintues -- lost 100 points --- yeps !!!!!!!!!-- then played couple of games and lost again -- so will take another lesson and see what if any i can stabilize this sinking ship-- might join a tourney just to fool around with -- to combat my depressive feel this morning-- ok see you later