
Carlsen now has winning records vs all the top players (as an adult). Legit?


I did a bit of research and wanted to know the overall records of Carlsen vs any world champion of last 10 years and any challengers to the wc. Also #1 ranked players that haven't won the wc. Also, I looked at the records of each only if they were an adult. It makes no sense to view results of world class, seasoned professionals piling up wins while they can vs a little kid that's not a world class professional. Yet. So, Anand vs Carlsen: 3-2 with 18 draws. Carlsens leads. By the way Anand hasn't

beaten Carlsen in 3 years over 8 or 9 games. Kramnik vs Carlsen: 4-3, 10 draws, Carlsen leads (just took the lead today). Aronian vs Carlsen: 2-1, 15 draws, Carlsen leads. Against Topalov, Gelfand, and Leko its not close in ANY of them. The overall total vs these 3 wc challengers is 10-0 with 11 draws, Carlsen leads. What do you think? Is he just a fluffed up over inflated rating or a legit contender?




Legit contender obviously.The rating speaks for itself I'd say but these records just prove it.


I don't understand what you are saying, Carlsen is the first deserving candidate for the world championship title in years. Have you read "my great predecessors"? Kasparov claims in a poetic manner that chess players become World Champions when they bring something new to chess. While one can say that Kasparov is being romantic when it comes to chess(a notion that I don't necessarily agree with), Carlsen amazed the world and rose to the top with a unique style and skills to boot. Let me show why people think that Carlsen is unique...


Carlsen is aggressive 

In this game carlsen gains the initiative early by being extremely aggressive as black in a nimzo indian, not only did Carlsen win with a great display of imagination, his vicious attacking style and great intuition brings romanticism to places people had previously thought devoid of "play".
Carlsen is innovative
Here Carlsen plays the so-called "quiet line" of the nimzo and BAM! He pulls a mating attack from nowhere. This is the magnitude of Carlsen's genius, he is able to create what is obvious there, just in places people haven't previously looked, and I like his opening choices, go him, he's an innovator, I like that in a world champion.
Carlsen is at the right place at the right time
Whether we want to believe it or not, the chess world is in shambles. Carlsen is rising in an era where the fide needs some work and Vishy is not adhering to his job as world champion which is, as the best player and most influential player in chess, to look after the chess world. It was a huge victory for india to have a champion, vishy's resilience is notable, that is what I admire most about HIM, but I think carlsen will crash through the World Championship match in a time where someone needs to look after the chess world. Chess needs to grow, to be an Olympic, to become a more stable sport. I think Carlsen is the greatest legitimate contender for the crown, and its because Carlsen has the power to lead us further, Anand is too old now, and past his prime, I can't see him winning the World Championship this time around.

I agree. I wanted to post those records because not too long ago, and now, people were complaining on here that Kramnik or even Aronian would've been a better choice to challenge in November. But there's just one problem with those opinions: Magnus Carlsen is a better player than they are and is still improving. I wanted some data out there since he's been over 18 and not a bunch of skewed win percentages from when he was in diapers.


Can someone compile all of the Anand vs Carlsen classical games in here?


this thread aged well lol