
my performance in lichess and


hi, I am solving 300 or 400 or 500 puzzles everyday for improving my tactical awareness. I did this for like 10 month straight. in this period my blitz rating got from 1500 to 1900 but my performance on hasn't improved. I don't know the reason.Tonight I also solved 401 chess puzzles. And then I started to play. My chess rating is so high at lichess. I expected to destroy 1600s here.if I am being honest I was expecting to get at least to 1720. They don't actually play well. I don't know why I am not good here. 1900 chess players at play far better than them. They find some obscure mate In three. I never had a chance to got back from a losing position against them. But here I got some came_back.


Can you give me an advice?


I have the same issue, I play on lichess and I never lose 10-15 games in a row on there, maybe 5 at worst, but here, I can easily lose 9-10-12-15 games on the trott. There is something very fishy going on with this site. That is why I quit today, played my last game.

I think either we are playing bots or they are matching us with opposition that know are openings will be crushed by certain players. I don't think that is impossible to write a program to do that.

It seems to me they just want to keep us playing, so they keep the traffic, because this site earns them $100m. That's why they want all threads about che*ting closed, because it might effect people continuing to play chess here.

So would they write a program to do that, is that possible to do, could we be also playing bots sometimes? It's all possible, I think.


I think the problem is not cheating. I am solving 400 every day. I was tired. Maybe that was the reason. I also panick in three minutes without increment.


lichess rating is usually like 200-400 higher than on i think

redrobe7 wrote:

lichess rating is usually like 200-400 higher than on i think

Lichess is no way near that. My rating for blitz on here is 850+, I am currently 900, but I had a good run, I am probably somewhere between 800 -850. On Lichess I am 1600, that is 800 difference, Rapid I am 1000 on here, on lichess 1800. Bullet I am 600 on here, but probably about 550 no more, again another good run, Lichess 1500, that's 950 in difference

So your figure of 200-400 is way out. For me it's an 800-950 difference.

Farhad523456 wrote:

Can you give me an advice?

Winning a chess game involves more than just spotting tactics.

Start with the very basics: You cannot find a winning tactic unless you have a winning position.

So winning a chess game involves FIRST maneuvering yourself into a winning position, and THEN spotting the winning tactics. Tactics drills will help with the second point, but not with the first.

Maybe you need to brush up on your strategy?

Read my posts in this thread (especially posts # 4, 7-to-10 and 12. Then play over the three sample games, reading the annotations.

GM Larry Evans' method of static analysis - Chess Forums -

Farhad523456 wrote:

hi, I am solving 300 or 400 or 500 puzzles everyday for improving my tactical awareness. I did this for like 10 month straight. in this period my blitz rating got from 1500 to 1900 but my performance on hasn't improved. I don't know the reason.Tonight I also solved 401 chess puzzles. And then I started to play. My chess rating is so high at lichess. I expected to destroy 1600s here.if I am being honest I was expecting to get at least to 1720. They don't actually play well. I don't know why I am not good here. 1900 chess players at play far better than them. They find some obscure mate In three. I never had a chance to got back from a losing position against them. But here I got some came_back.

300 puzzles a day is excessive, on certain occasion it may even lead to rating loss.

Farhad523456 wrote:

hi, I am solving 300 or 400 or 500 puzzles everyday for improving my tactical awareness. I did this for like 10 month straight. in this period my blitz rating got from 1500 to 1900 but my performance on hasn't improved. I don't know the reason.Tonight I also solved 401 chess puzzles. And then I started to play. My chess rating is so high at lichess. I expected to destroy 1600s here.if I am being honest I was expecting to get at least to 1720. They don't actually play well. I don't know why I am not good here. 1900 chess players at play far better than them. They find some obscure mate In three. I never had a chance to got back from a losing position against them. But here I got some came_back.

1900 liches is 400-700 chesscom


I joined lichess like half a year when was down. At the time I was 1500 rapid on On lichess I reached stable 1900-2000 with ease. Lichess rating system is totally hyperinflanted.