
My Road to 2200 Rapid accountability thread


Hello everyone. I am currently rated 1899, I want to reach 2200 by the end of this year. Sounds insane, doesn't it. See, the thing is, I have not been dedicated to chess for the past few months and basically for my whole career of 4 years till now. I play on and off, with no consistency at all.

When a tournament comes by, I scramble to prepare for it and end up losing most of my games.

As of writhing this, I am 13 years 6 months old. By the and of this year, I will be 2200 rapid

I will update this forum telling yall what I did that day till the end of the year.

This is not only a chess challenge, but a war against distractions and excuses(I always get distracted), a battle for command of my mind, a truly life changing opportunity to improve my discipline, and for eternal glory👑


Day 1

Games- I played 3-4 rapid games on, losing all of them. My Diamond membership was renewed .

course on fighting against Anti Sicilians my Ben Finegold. I also got access to my insights on chesscom and found out that I need to improve my openings and tactics.

The problem for me is, I cant find any opponents on 15 plus 10 time format, and am bad 45 minsat time management on 10 plus 0. I am planning to improve my time management and play 10 plus 0.

I also watched a lecture by Jonathan Schrantz on QGD Carlsbad structure which I play.

Reassess your Chess book for 45 mins

Puzzles in Woodpecker method from 323 to 329


Best of luck on your journey! happy.png


Keep it going


Hey yall

Day 2

Its morning now, and I have updated my Sicilian Accelerated theory in the Open Sicilian, Maroczy Bind, and the Rossolimo on ChessBook



"I want to reach 2200 by the end of this year" ++ OK

"I play on and off, with no consistency at all." ++ Do you analyse your lost games?

"When a tournament comes by, I scramble to prepare for it"
++ Good preparation is outdoor physical exercise,
good sleep and maybe a few practice games of the same time control against a strong engine.


"I played 3-4 rapid games on" ++ Less is more. 1 good game > 3-4 bad games.

"losing all of them" ++ Did you analyse them? What did you learn?

"course on fighting against Anti Sicilians" ++ Not useful

"I need to improve my openings" ++ No

"and tactics" ++ Yes

"I cant find any opponents on 15 plus 10 time format" ++ Yes, that is a problem.

"I am planning to improve my time management and play 10 plus 0"
++ 10|0 is officially blitz, not that useful for progress.

"I also watched a lecture by Jonathan Schrantz on QGD Carlsbad structure" ++ Not useful

"Reassess your Chess" ++ Not useful

"Puzzles in Woodpecker" ++ Not useful


"Sicilian Accelerated theory in the Open Sicilian, Maroczy Bind, and the Rossolimo"
++ Not useful
'just forget about the openings and spend all that time on the endings' - Capablanca


The books, puzzles and opening vids are useful to me, since I changed openings 2 months ago and tend to make mistakes


Day 2

Its morning now, and I have updated my Sicilian Accelerated theory in the Open Sicilian, Maroczy Bind, and the Rossolimo on ChessBook

 I played some bullet chess too and solved puzzles


Day 3

I played 2 bullet games and solved around 30 tactics

I am planning toplay one 10 plus 0 game in the evening and practice calculation from books

EnergizedBullets ha scritto:

Cool, however... Studying openings isn't that important even at your level. It's not that necessary. But if you enjoy studying new openings for fun, go ahead.

it is important at 1900 rapid level trust me


Day 3

I played 2 rapid games, lost a close game, and won a nice one

Now Ill study My System


Good luck, this is going to be a interesting journey
I wouldn’t listen to @tygxc kid seems like a troll. Get better at tactics but don’t do puzzles? Doesn’t even make sense lol. You seem like you got a solid plan so I’d just keep on the path you’re heading! Good luck!
Doc_Toboggan wrote:
I wouldn’t listen to @tygxc kid seems like a troll. Get better at tactics but don’t do puzzles? Doesn’t even make sense lol. You seem like you got a solid plan so I’d just keep on the path you’re heading! Good luck!

I disagree with a lot of stuff he says.

Disregard the opening and focus only on the endgame? We aren't Capablanca. For endgames you need to know some theoretical endgames but the rest is simply activity and passed pawns.

If you can play the middlegame quickly and accurately, you can choose almost whatever endgame you want to go into. Or, you can always choose not to go into an endgame! Studying things like pawn structures like the carlsbad are very good, especially if you play openings that employ those. I would say that IQP and hanging pawns structures are much more important than the Carlsbad, which I find extremely overrated. I think people talk about that structure so much because it's easy to talk about.

If you can identify a plan quickly and accurately in the middlegame, that gives you an immense advantage. People just don't talk about it because it's hard to talk about. It's much easier to talk about that 40th king pawn and rook endgame that you literally don't need to know.

#9 I’m not that good but I’ve heard from very good players that blitz and bullet not only don’t help you get better but actively make you worse and hinder your progress
xtreme2020 wrote:
#9 I’m not that good but I’ve heard from very good players that blitz and bullet not only don’t help you get better but actively make you worse and hinder your progress

I think blitz and bullet are perfectly ok in moderation. The problem being that it's hard to play bullet in moderation.

And even if they aren't, two bullet games is hardly going to make you play worse to be honest.

DCthedestroyer wrote: The problem for me is, I cant find any opponents on 15 plus 10 time format

It is important to play with long time controls to progress. The issue is to choose a popular time control so that the Elo rating is as meaningful as possible. In longer and less popular time controls, the player sample size is smaller, which can distort the Elo rating. The popular and representative time control in terms of Elo is 15+10. Personally, I manage to find players quickly in 15+10. I don't know why you can't find players in 15+10; it might be due to a bad time of day or a low number of active players on the site at that time control.




Day 4

I solved a 12 tactical puzzles on and got only 2 wrong. Now my puzzle rating is back over 3000.

I studied 2 instructive games from My System book and learnt how to utilize open files.

I played 3 rapid games 10 plus 0 and now my rating is 1900.

I continued building my repertoire on Lichess and and prepared a line to counter the KID. I play the KID myself


I am planning to do more puzzles and read Reassess your chess. Progress has been slow(I was 1899 at the start of this journey and now I am 1900, but I will not let that demotivate me. )