
New pop-up ads on


Hey guys, let's tell to stop those annoying pop up ads being thrown at non paying (= less respect) customers. They are unreasonably interfering with overall website experience. On just about every new page load, pop up goes up and interferes with the game and just casual browsing., yes you need to make money, regular ads are fine, occasional pop ups would be tolerable, but constant bombardment with pop up advertising is wrong. Stop it.

Please, don't start that broohaha that if you dont' like, go away or just pay up. I don't need lecturing about that. I believe, non paying players can be treated better.


i totally agree they make enough money for certain from normal ads and paying people so they shouldnt bombard us  non paying people you know? and i might just go download ad blocker so they get payed less for the ads


What's worse....the ads are generally bra ads on my account. Why would i need that?


is this happening to you on every page load? should just be 1 per day... 

which browser are you using?

erik wrote:

is this happening to you on every page load? should just be 1 per day... 

which browser are you using?

It was on my old account. I was using Explorer at the time. Yes, it was nearly every page....and took up nearly every ad slot.

erik wrote:

is this happening to you on every page load? should just be 1 per day... 

which browser are you using?


Yes, every or extremely close to every page load. My browser is next to newest IE


That's the main reason that I purchased a gold membership, to avoid seeing all of the annoying and distracting ads on this site.


if you're not paying a membership fee, you're not a customer, you're a free rider. If you don't like the site enough to pay, deal with it. Or agree that you like the content enough to support the site.

Cyrulis wrote:

I don't need lecturing about that.

Oh well, looks like you got it


I'm not getting the bra ads. Is seeing bra ads a premium feature?


If by "pop-up ads" you mean those ones that extrude themselves from the lower left corner, I too am getting way more than 1 per day (I've had 3 in the last several minutes).  And I use Google Chrome.


There is software out there that deals with these sorts of annoyances.


if you dont' like, go away or just pay up


AndyClifton wrote:

If by "pop-up ads" you mean those ones that extrude themselves from the lower left corner, I too am getting way more than 1 per day (I've had 3 in the last several minutes).  And I use Google Chrome.

you can disable the meebo chat bar (which shows those ads) in your privacy settings

AndyClifton wrote:

If by "pop-up ads" you mean those ones that extrude themselves from the lower left corner, I too am getting way more than 1 per day (I've had 3 in the last several minutes).  And I use Google Chrome.

I get a pop-up ad extruding itself upwards across the bottom of every single page in Safari.

Just tried Opera and it only pops up once... hmmm.

Cyrulis wrote:  I don't need lecturing about that. 

Yes you do, or you wouldn't have started this thread.

ilikeflags wrote:

if you dont' like, go away or just pay up


limey git

erik wrote:

you can disable the meebo chat bar (which shows those ads) in your privacy settings

Oh yeah...thanks! Smile


Quit complaining so much about the ads popping up. Well since you don't think you should pay, there is a easy solution besides quiting this great site.

      That is doing what the astronauts do to fix anything that fails on their ships.

Take a roll of duct tape and just put tape over the area on your screen where the ads pop up.

                 What a great solution.   NO MORE ADS.



Yey!  Duct tape saves the world again!!!