
One of the most frustrating things about daily chess...

MGleason losing your train of thought and making basic blunders that you would not normally make in a live game.

Classic example:

OK, yes, you could avoid this by taking the time to fully re-evaluate the position after every move, and some people do.  But many do not.

Setting up conditional moves can also help, especially in forcing lines.  It doesn't help as much when the lines are not as forced for your opponent.





"losing your train of thought" ++ You should record your train of thought in writing

"making basic blunders" ++ You should always blunder check before you transmit your move

tygxc wrote:

"losing your train of thought" ++ You should record your train of thought in writing


Yes... but then I'd have to look at my notes.

tygxc wrote:


"making basic blunders" ++ You should always blunder check before you transmit your move


This is not a problem without a solution. It just requires you to take more time over your moves.


Are you using the analysis board? You can check different lines and then save them in-game (for daily games only) then you won't forget them when it finally comes along ("move up" or promote the best ones to top). I do this religously. I never use the conditional moves unless its in opening or its a forced move otherwise better to;

  • SAVE Analysis
  • Return later & RE-EVALUATE
  • then MOVE

My daily chess got much better when I started using the notes section on the right of the screen. I shot up from unbelievably bad to just very bad ^^


I will use the analysis board to evaluate lines in complex positions. But I don't generally save my analysis.


Losing daily games really sucks.


Opening explorer has outright blunders in the master games. So watch out.


To recall the game, I replay the whole game on each move in daily games.


when they have 10 weeks of vacation time


this happens to me way too often


My friend be careful really I should play with calm don't afraid to play good all is learning.


What's the point of 19. Rxd1, why not the simple Bxf1? After Rxd, you will still have to play Bxf1, it seems all that changes is that now your opponent has the open file.

But yeah this is a very relatable thing in daily games


Been there so many times!


I have the opposite problem after playing Daily for many many years. There was even a time when I used to play 80-100 simul Daily games at another site, and I recall I used to go to work and during the journey would close my eyes and analyse the positions to some of those games in my mind.

On the other hand when I play extremely fast chess here, 10+0 and faster, sometimes I suffer from the most basic blunders.


"On line" chess should be seen like postal chess back in the days of post cards. If you can't do deep analysis of positions and keep ideas in your head, you should just play live rated games. Pick a time format you're comfortable with and to with that.


How about this 4-year tournament that just started the second round

MGleason wrote:

I will use the analysis board to evaluate lines in complex positions. But I don't generally save my analysis.

i recommend you do try SAVING your analysis, ordering the lines from BEST to WORST, making bad moves with '?' for mistake and the outright blunders with the '??' so when you return you see the analysis and avoid to mistakes and blunders.

It doesnt always save. Like everything this site its very buggy but more than half the time it works and you can then recall all your previous analysis!

cR1NN wrote:

How about this 4-year tournament that just started the second round

14 days per move is ridiculous.