
Opinions on my new Chess Piece ideas?

MoonShoe queen: like a regular queen but it can jump over pieces like a knight thas why she wears moon shoes

I would make a piece that moves only in zigzags. one square, then the one diagonal to it, one square, then the one diagonal to it, one square, then the one diagonal to it and so on until it captures a piece. Anyone have name ideas?


You know what would be a cool idea? Chess doing a crossover with the "other" checkerboard game, checkers.

The normal checker would move forward diagonally one tile. They also capture in that range, jumping one space ahead of their victim whenever they do. To replace their ability to capture numerous times in a way that would work in chess, I personally would make their extended jump when capturing an enemy piece optional. They cost 2 material, more than a pawn.

 Of course we can't forget their crowned variant. You might start with a few in the backlines but you'd primarily get them by promoting a checker like you would a pawn. Crowned checkers do exactly the same thing as normal checkers, but they can move in ANY direction diagonally. They would cost 3 material.

This last one is a new variant created by me, because checkers has pretty much zero depth. The kamikaze checker moves just like a normal checker. But when they capture, they create a 3x3 explosion around where they strike, obviously dying in the process.

RotomGuy wrote:

Bracketed values are point value.

Archer - Moves like a Pawn but takes pieces two squares away to its left and right without moving to that space. (1)
Leapfrog - Can only move by jumping over other pieces. Can jump over any number of pieces. Can leapfrog infinitely until it takes. (3)
Bomber - Moves like a King, but takes the piece that takes it. (3)
Ninja - Can move like a Rook, with a maximum of three spaces. Ignores obstructions. (5)
Glider - Can move like a Queen, but it must move all the way it can go in the direction it chooses. (7)
Jester - First move, moves like a Queen, after which it alternates between moving like a Rook and Bishop depending on how it moved initially. (7)
Wizard - Can teleport to any open space on the board, or can take like a king. Cannot move and take in the same turn. (9)

Champion - Moves like a Rook and then like a King in one turn. (15)


Wizard it can only move one space forward but it can shoot a projectile that can go in any direction 3 spaces foward or back

Ninja the ninja can move 2 spaces any direction and when the ninja can kill someone it teleports behind them

The catapult can shoot only 5 spaces forward that's it but when the catapult his that space it explodes killing at most an extra 2 people near it

The necromancer it can switch itself with any of your chess peices if there within 5 spaces from it

The warrior the warrior can kill any peices if it's 1 space from it and it can only be killed by anything but a pawn