Oh yeah here's link:
Plus if you join The A and D Club 2.0 you get a trophy and if you invite other chess players and they join you get 3 trophies. No kidding you can get trophies! I guarantee you can get trophies if you join.
Solve this if you get it right AND join The A and D Club 2.0 you get 5 trophies!
PM me the answer.
This is white to move and I will tell what black moves
1: W ??? B cxd5
2: W ??? B Kxc7
3: W ??? B Qh1+
4: W ??? Solved!
PM me what white moves.
Plus there are chess puzzles in The A and D Club 2.0 forms that you can get trophies!
But you have to be a member to solve it.
Here's link to solve more puzzles and get more trophies:
in The A and D Club 2.0 forms (You have to be a member in order to solve it.).
Hi! I made a club called The A and D Club 2.0 , 6 weeks ago and so far I got 12 members and I want to get more members in The A and Club 2.0!
Here are some reasons why you should join The A and D Club 2.0:
1: This is a club that anyone can join!
2: Once we get 15 members we have a tournament and the winner get's a trophy!
3: We will have lots of club matches and you can choose which day to have the match!
(We have a club match going right now so you can join that match)
4: We will do Vote Chess when we get a LOT of members.
(I don't know what's Vote Chess)
5: We will do LOT's of things in The A and D Club 2.0!
So please join The A and D Club 2.0!
Thank you!