Got it
Puzzle 66964. I don't understand anything at all, not at all. This is the most absurd thing.
The reason white promoting to Q is an error is because when black pawn promotes and you take, the game ends in stalemate.
It's true, I hadn't realized. Thank you.
You are doing this again and again. Instead of using the Analysis tool like any normal human would, you make a forum topic about how bad the puzzle is. What is the point?
the king is in check after you capture on f3 you go back to b7 after whenever the pawn promotes you take it . you have a past pawn the king can't escape from so all you do is push until you queen
the king is in check after you capture on f3 you go back to b7 after whenever the pawn promotes you take it . you have a past pawn the king can't escape from so all you do is push until you queen
I think you misunderstand the puzzle. There wasn't a white queen on b7, it was a pawn that just promoted.
But how come this move is incorrect and the correct one is to promote to the rook instead of queen? This is the most absurd thing. I am quite fed up with many solutions to many problems that are totally and absolutely absurd solutions, as is the case with this puzzle in which the solution that should have been correct is given to you as incorrect and you also lose quite a few points. This is the most absurd thing.