
Puzzles | 3000 Rating Obtained in Six (6) Hours on a New Account?


Hello All,

I am with wonder if anyone feels they can or have seen a person with a new account of five days (lets assume they are strong in chess regardless of new account) and thus they have a new account in five days (strong in chess or not i dont care) and work puzzles in that said five (5) days and obtain a rating of 3000.  More so to add one more variable this was done within a six hour time frame  (meaning their entire time spent was about six (6) hours and they were able to get to 3000

Without getting into details there is awards being given out to how shall I say as this is not my teaching account, yet there is monetary cool awards given out to those who obtain rating of 3000

Question is this:

1. Have any of you done this? as I have not

2. I am not worried or need to chat about cheat here but rather want to know if you have done so or know anyone that has done so

3. As well do you think even possible? 

Note: I have ask said person if they did refresh then slove puzzle they said "no", I ask if software was used, they said "no".

I just really find it hard to see anyone can get to 3000 in six hours and more so their chess rating in rapid or blitz is max 1675 either rating section.

I have so kindly ask Chess.Com to fix the refresh as its so easy as the cell / app dev. team does not allow refresh to work yet the desktop team allows it ... such an easy fix to change a puzzle when one refreshes vs. allow them to slove same puzzle when they are ready.

Nevertheless ... I have check time stamps and yes makes me wonder etc. as all puzzles were streamlined in 30 secs or below 

Puzzles sloved to get to 3000 rating was about 993

Any thoughts is welcomed ... Thx. 


Depends on the player strength. I can get to 2500+ easily on a new account or after resetting my rating, within a few hours. I probably could get to 2800-2900 if I'm having a good session overall. It's harder, for me, to maintain over 2900 for long periods of time, but that just me, and getting 3000 might be possible but less likely.


@Martin_Stah ~ Wow! Martin, how in world you do this ... now its good to see this and your stats as I can trust you on here but wow! how in world you do this when your rating is so low? So its true then one can get to 3000 in five hours or so or less it appears ... but whats the trick? any suggestions as your rating is low but high in puzzles? I don't get it?

Thank you much ~

I am too lazy to read all this
@Martin_Stahl why do I see you in every single forum

Puzzle rating and game rating have (almost) nothing to do with each other. Ofc you can increase your overall rating by doing puzzles but that's about it.

You can be 750 rapid with 2300 puzzle rating no problem, some people have 65000 puzzle rating and it's quite clear they're not some chess gods from another universe more than 20 times as good as Magnus (or any software for that matter).

USA-Dragon wrote:

@Martin_Stah ~ Wow! Martin, how in world you do this ... now its good to see this and your stats as I can trust you on here but wow! how in world you do this when your rating is so low? So its true then one can get to 3000 in five hours or so or less it appears ... but whats the trick? any suggestions as your rating is low but high in puzzles? I don't get it?

Thank you much ~

There's no trick. Most members have a much higher puzzle rating than game ratings. It's a whole lot easier to calculate tactics when you know there's something to find than it is to recognize and/or get the positions in games and still calculate them correctly.

PradyPraj wrote:
@Martin_Stahl why do I see you in every single forum

I'm not in all of them tongue