
Rapid Improvement Log


Hello! I am a young adult/teen improver working towards improving my game and rapid rating, as well as OTB strength. Currently, I'm around 2130 rapid (have been as high as 2270 on old accounts) and my ultimate goal is to get to 2400. In this thread, I'll be posting some games and showing my efforts to improve. I welcome advice from anyone (stronger or not) and I'll also answer questions and give tips if you want.


Where's the next one?

JosephReidNZ wrote:

Where's the next one?

Didn’t get much attention but I’ll post something soon


Update: I had an interesting last few days in rapid. Started out with 2250 and then tilted 100 points but gained it all back and got to a peak of 2277. I also joined a daily tournament. I read that daily chess is good for studying while playing so I’m going to try to do that. Let me know if you want to see some games.


good luck with 2300, i recently made it myself and i'm rooting for you too


The going is getting tough for me so far. I got up to high 2200's multiple times but I keep tilting down to 2200. I'm probably going to post a few games that I thought were interesting to analyze and get some feedback on.


Here is a game I lost. I might go back and do some serious annotations later but for now I am going to just write some thoughts and questions I had about this game.

On the position after move 9, when I played Bg3, I already felt like I made a mistake. I could have played Bd3 but that runs into Nf4. The way the game went, it felt like Black had the bishop pair for no compensation (although perhaps I had some in the form of the weaknesses created by f7-f6, my next question being possibly an example). Maybe instead of Bg5 on move 8 I should play Bg3 immediately?

On move 14 Nxe4 was a critical move and I played it far too fast. I believe Black should've considered something like Qe7 in response. Also, on move 16, I think Qh5 was better because I'd have some ideas on h7 (Qe7 Ng6 for example).

When I calculated the whole sequence out on move 16 I thought I had 20. Rxh7 (obviously knight hangs). I think this is a typical mistake in my play where I play aggressive and flashy moves and I don't really consider the implications of them. Anyways, after that I think I was much worse although I think 25. f4 was the mistake that was the nail in the coffin and changed it to lost.

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