
Game Analysis/Rating flawed?



I am playing a lot of blitz lately and notice, that I constantly loose games against players that play 500-600 rating points higher than there actual rating. That means, I am a (bad) 1200 rated blitz player playing against other 1200 players that kill me playing like 1850+ players. And not only once in a while, what I could explain in a way. No constantly. Sometimes 20-30 times on a weekend. How is that possible?

On the other hand I have a lot of games where I play much higher than my current rating and somebody could say the same about me.

What is it that I don't understand?

See as examples the following games I lost

And the following I won:

(This one is maybe not the best example, because I studied the London a lot)

So I guess, I don't understand the rating system/importance of accuracy. What would you say?

Thanks for your input


P.S.: I even found it harder to go from 1000 to 1100 than going from 1100 up to 1300 at one point. Exactly because of the same reason ...


Here is another example:

I lost four games in a row and game review shows:

My Game rating vs My Opponents game rating

1550 vs 1850

1750 vs 2025

1650 vs 1950

1650 vs 1750

Basically I played above my level but my opponents even outscored me. okay I know small sample size ... , but I see that too many times to believe it's nothing.


Today I played six games and again half of them I lost against people playing 500+ points higher than there rating ...

1256 guy played like a 2000 with 93.50 accuracy (24 moves)

1227 guy played like a 1750 with 82.50 accuracy (46! moves)

1215 guy played like a 1750 with 81.10 accuracy (44! moves)

In all three games I played good (1700, 1550 and 1400 performance)


Today I lost against a 
1300 having a 2000 performance over 39 moves
1229 having a 1850 performance over 26 moves
1278 having a 1750 performance over 46 moves


Rating numbers after a game are pretty inflated. They should not be taken seriously. It is interesting to see, but nothing more than a toy.

For instance, by that same game rating score, I am usually above 2 000 level at the end of the game. The only time where I am lower than my actual rating is either if I played terribly, which can happen once in a while, or the position was very sharp and there are mistakes by both me and the opponent.

Those numbers can be so nonsensical that I had a game where I played an unrated game against someone rated well below 1 000. The opponent blundered 3 times in 10 moves, and still got a rating of close to 1 300.

This feature, along with game accuracy to some point are ok to look at, but they are used to stroke our egos as well. I see that you are here since 2018, so you should have noticed that game accuracy has changed a few years ago, and now values are much higher than before. Before, I had games with 20 accuracy, and when I look at them today, it says like 60 or something.

So, to cut it short, you shouldn't rely too much on rating performance after a game, the same goes for accuracy. As long as the opponent is not having multiple games with 95 accuracy, looking through the games is a better indicator if everything is ok.


I have checked some of those games. In the first game, you simply blundered a piece. In the second game, your opponent blundered a piece, and then you blundered everything.

It's impossible to take the script seriously when it declares that those games were played at the 1800-1900 level.

Dońt look at rating given by game review. It is absolutely nonsensical.