So I'm playing and having fun, and got mated by a player rated much lower than me, which happens, no biggie, so went to analyze the game, and the player had like 88% accuracy which seemed maybe a bit high. So I looked at his profile, and noticed that the player's rating was ~1400ish up until the start of the tournament, then suddenly dropped to 499 right at the start of the tournament.
I took a look at a few other players in my bracket and saw similar for several of them.
If I were to guess, I'd imagine that by tanking your score right before the tournament, your first few matches are against easier people so guaranteed wins?
Am I missing something or just reading too much into this?
Yes. I think you are misreading your opponent's stats.
I think I figured out who you were talking about and his daily chess rating didn't just tank. In fact, it looks like he was unrated in daily chess before the tournament.
I think you were possibly looking at his other ratings, which are substantially higher.
Accuracy is scaled by rating, so an 88% accuracy should be entirely achieveable by a 599 rated player.
Try to enjoy your other games.
So I'm playing and having fun, and got mated by a player rated much lower than me, which happens, no biggie, so went to analyze the game, and the player had like 88% accuracy which seemed maybe a bit high. So I looked at his profile, and noticed that the player's rating was ~1400ish up until the start of the tournament, then suddenly dropped to 499 right at the start of the tournament.
I took a look at a few other players in my bracket and saw similar for several of them.
If I were to guess, I'd imagine that by tanking your score right before the tournament, your first few matches are against easier people so guaranteed wins?
Am I missing something or just reading too much into this?