
Review rating is too generous?

In the old version of review, usually when I'm playing well with no blunder or miss, I usually got rating around 1800, but now somehow rating I got more or less 2200. For me, it's kind of good for me and raising my ego a bit, but I'm worried that it'll have an effect on me like king in the Emperor New clothes story. So, what do you guys think about it? Is it a gimmic or legit thing?

I totally agree (with proof)! About 2y ago under the old review I would save my high rating to my library in various groups 2000, 2100, 2200 etc. under the old system I would usually add a new game once or twice a week. Now 5 or 10 a day, to a point where it is virtually worthless, I even had to add a new group 2600. Verwarr’s assessment of 200-400 increases and ego enhancement is regrettable but true.

Verwarr wrote:
In the old version of review, usually when I'm playing well with no blunder or miss, I usually got rating around 1800, but now somehow rating I got more or less 2200. For me, it's kind of good for me and raising my ego a bit, but I'm worried that it'll have an effect on me like king in the Emperor New clothes story. So, what do you guys think about it? Is it a gimmic or legit thing?

I don't think the algorithm changed when the UI did.


Martin with all the good work you do using words like algorithms and UI does not change the fact that the review rating under the new system is much higher. Just yesterday in 12 games, I received 3 2000; 2 2200; and 1 2300 ratings. A draw was given the 2300 rating. None of these games were quick wins (under 10 moves). As much as I would like to believe after more than 60y of play I suddenly improved by 200-400 rating points that is totally unrealistic.

It definitely goes a bit high, I assume it’s trying to make beginners feel good about themselves, it’d make sense but kind of annoying for players that know they didn’t play that well and want an accurate elo estimate
xtreme2020 wrote:
It definitely goes a bit high, I assume it’s trying to make beginners feel good about themselves, it’d make sense but kind of annoying for players that know they didn’t play that well and want an accurate elo estimate

Absolutely agree!


I recommend not paying attention to rating estimates. Whenever I see them, they're quite inaccurate.

The most reliable strength estimate you have (aside from OTB play) is your current live rating.