yeah! lol
Ridiculous 'Chess Life' article
i don't think they should be embarrassed for being chunky. but living like pig and eating yourself to an early death is stupid and annoying.
That's a bit of a naive take on things. I've watched many medical shows where people were gentically pre-disposed to be fat and they end up having to work ten times harder to keep healthy. Still others became fat because of a disease or chemical/ hormonal imbalance they had no control over. This one case I watched, this poor woman was physically fit and trim all through her twenties and 30's then suddenly she started ballooning out to over 300 Lbs. She didn't eat anymore than she did before, yet the pounds kept packing on. Most of her friends abandoned her, thinking she was "living like a pig" as you put it. At one point, she was eating only one small chicken breast a day, yet the weight stayed on. Doctors she went to simply did not believe her and kept telling her to diet and exercise as if she wasn't already. Finally nearing the point of suicide, she had found a specialist that pinpointed the problem to a brain tumor that had been completely missed in previous exams. Turns out the whole time, the tumor was causing her body chemistry to retain as much weight as possible.
So you can imagine how it might feel when people like you remark about "living like a pig" when sometimes that's just not the case at all. Granted, there is a very real obesity problem, but I don't think it's very nice to lump everyone who's overweight into the same "pig" catagory.
So taking on this comment....and looking at the quote below
In a country where the obesity rate is approaching one third of the population, and the rate of people who are overweight could hit two thirds of the population in 15 years, I'm really not that surprised.
So are you saying that one third of the country are "gentically pre-disposed to be fat" or have a "disease or chemical/ hormonal imbalance"?
I am going to guess because I have no numbers on this so correct me if I am wrong, the numbers of people you describe are a very small percentage of the one not really an excuse that can be used when talking about the problem overall.
The (over)sensitivity training continues (good to see the 70s-style encounter group is still alive and dull).
And why would it bother you? These are apparently issues which are important to the members. No need to be so sensitive about it...
I think the very shorts (Reshevsky, Flohr, Bronstein, Parma, ?) would be stronger than the fat team (Bogo, Vidmar, ?)
Ironically, Nigel Short is 7ft 4 tall.
i'm so sensitive my clothes hurt--ask suggo
Did I really get under your skin that much ilikeflags!? LOL
What bothers me is not the fact that some folks are, shall we say, "bigger". What bothers me is the fact that a chess club would humiliate their own members, by referencing their physical "deficiencies" in a magazine with a worldwide circulation (yes, I bought my copy in Warsaw).
Was it really necessary to print this information? I mean, "you know you are fat when...... the press writes about you." How insensitive can you get?
To me it read like this "It's kind of like this: Our fat ass members find booths too confining.
I'm glad that I wasn't the only one to find this a bit obnoxious and insensitive. I think that tables are far better and more conducive to people observing and adjusting their seating positions in long games.
blah blah blah blah blah. did i say the only way to be fat is by being a pig? NO. but i did say being a living like a pig is annoying and stupid. also, people have the right to be annoying and stupid.
i should mention, some people are predisposed to being drunks but i still think drunks are annoying and stupid.