
Sensitivity of game review to blunders


I was interested to see how much a single move could affect the overall assessment of game review. So I tested it with a game where the last move blundered mate in 1 in a position where the evaluation was 1.34 for the side that mated before the blunder.

The result: the blunder reduced the accuracy from 80.0 to 71.9 and the estimated rating from 1900 to 1400. So big differences for a big blunder!

By comparison, for playing the mate the winner was upgraded from accuracy 82.9 to 83.7 and the estimated rating went up from 2000 to 2050.


Conclusion: Even a player with a sky high IQ needs to concentrate.


I think I am pretty smart guy, but many times I just lack the ability to concentrate or โ€“ equally important โ€“ to stay calm and just play the game.


For players who are aiming to improve, it emphasizes the importance of reducing these one-move blunders, as they have a disproportionate effect on your overall game assessment. Consistency and avoiding big mistakes can often be more valuable than making flashy moves.


yeah well it's garbage

only the non-knowledgable even look at that propaganda