Honestly, it's just my personal preference, but I gain more satisfaction of playing through a mate in 4 or 5 that I worked hard for rather than just seeing my opponent resign. If it's a longer drawn out game I'm ok with resigning, but it depends on the person's style. Maybe a little communication can go a long way in a chat box.
As for the fast paced timed games, I hate it when someone has just a king left and moves it around to cause me to lose because of time...but if that player took an extra minute to think through the moves I could be losing. A fine balance...
i think once one gets to the master/grandmaster level, one can safely assume that their opponent will be able to checkmate you without falling for a stalemate. however, i think anyone below 2000 or so should play it out - i've had matches against people rated 300 higher than me and they've fallen for the most transparent stalemates, and i've had people rated = or less than me and i've nabbed their rook and their bishop, but somewhere along the line i get careless and end up being checkmated. basically my point is that until you know for certain that your opponent has the skill to keep their advantage, you should never resign