Stuck at 1400-1600 rating
Avoid blunder, make more calculations, and play with a calm state of mind? What I'm said is usually what factor for me to gain up to 100ish rating, idk for others, though.
Hi there.
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Ya man this bracket is one of the hardest to break out of , i suggest doing 15+10 mins and focus on your thought process in the game, don't spam blitz and bullet like I do. I can play super fast but my calculations aren't as sharp. 1600's are just 1400's whos tactics are much more advanced 1800's are even more advanced in tactics with a stronger end-game same for 2000+. I've beaten players up to 2100. They are beatable but to beat them consistently you need to study to some degree. Their are positions that I don't know how to play simply because the end-game isn't clear you need to internalize deep positional ideas. I also suggest studying master games on lessons and analyze your games deeply when you play 15+10 really focus on calculating as deeply and intensely as possible. This is something you must practice until it's automatic. I am at a point where I can automatically calculate past 1480 with no effort. Once I hit around the 1500's then I have to put in solid effort to beat them 1600's I can beat but not consistently. Also, focus on consistently playing well.
Learn and apply the most important principles of chess. - (core of my teaching)
Always blunder-check your moves.
Solve tactics in the right way.
Analyze your games.
Study games of strong players.
Learn how to be more psychologically resilient.
Work on your time management skills.
Get a coach if you can.
There is no secret trick that people haven’t told you in your previous posts about this, the magic you are looking for lies within the work you are avoiding
if you already have a coach then your not doing the hard-work then. You need to be patient improvement doesn't happen instantly.