
The greatest Knight fork possible in chess

  This is perhaps the greatest knight fork possible in chess. On move 31.
That is a strong fork, but I prefer a strong spoon instead

I am a bit of a chopstick person. But one has got to love a strong fork.


Yeah I have to admit this seems like a clickbaity thread. However the fork is worth the click. The only way this knight fork would have been better was if there was another black bishop on f5. However getting the king, queen and both rooks is still a great fork.


you just got lucky...



TechBro123 wrote:
That is a strong fork, but I prefer a strong spoon instead

I'd like a fork every now and then in chess, but I think maybe a knife's worth thinking about.


Knight forks are fun, though to avoid them you simply need to keep your king and queen on different color squares.  In the end, though, you can still only take one, so the rooks don't really even matter from a tactical standpoint.  Also, I've done this several times - forking the king, queen, and both rooks at the same time, once even with a bishop thrown in for good measure.


Woudl love to see the five piece knight fork. Do post the game if you find it.

I once got the Royal fork (Queen, King, Rook) with a Knight for mate. What made it special was that a pawn that could normally have taken the Knight was pinned to the King by my rook.

This fork would be great if this was part of an actual combination. Your opponent just blundered a piece and then also missed the fork. Not really an immortal game happy.png


I know the opponent didn't exactly play great, but it is still a great fork. Its hard to get a better fork than this in chess.


There might have been a potential to win an exchange using that fork if the opponent hadn't played that bad. That is what I would have considered sweet.


I must admit I don't enjoy an opponent just blundering a piece. I would much prefer such a fork to be somehow unavoidable. 


For example, this happened in my last rapid game on another site. This is what I would call "semi-blundering" that doesn't completely ruin the victory for me, because you still have to see why it was such an awful mistake.



And even though the opponent made it very easy, the game ended with a mating net with limited pieces, even though I missed a quicker mate and the opponent missed a better defence:


So the opponent made it too easy by semiblundering a rook on move 14, but at least some excitement followed.


Once my opponent had the opportunity to sac a queen to fork my queen, king, and two rooks. The queen exchange would have benifited him. Luckily he didn't se it!


On move 26 you missed Q takes g8 


you commented on some thing posted last year!!!


so did i


actually it was posted in 2018


Here's the best one that came up in one of my over-the-board tournament games:

