This really is not very good solution, if you go a day over the possible tournament range of days it says "date out of range" and you lose the tournament you were setting up so you have to enter everything again. You also cant add in a video hook as it refuses all youtube links and says "plugin not available. The page we used to work in was a dedicated page to making the tournament and the new way opens a window to work in that cant be resized or opened to full screen, so you are scrolling up and down, its a little messy. The old way was much better and this has made making club tournaments fiddly and awkward. Is there a way we can fix this as its really made it awkward if you make a lot of events its quite off putting.
kind regards.
i created some type of tournament which i cant erase (because i cant find it anymore) ... but cant seem to create a daily tournmant ... once i press "2" (from message #15 above) i then have the option of Swiss or Arena ... not sure which is which but with either one i cant set daily time controls (normally set to 2 days per move) ... historically i've use the method im instructed to no longer use from message #9 above ... but it's giving me error messages ...
When you hit Create and scroll down, one of the options will be called Club Daily Tournament. That is the normal Daily type event.
If you created an Arena or Swiss event it should show on the Upcoming Events section of the Club you chose in the setup, unless you did a Shareable tourney and then it won't show anywhere. If you didn't keep the link then you would need to find it in your browser history if you wanted to cancel it.