
We are not playing humans on here, they are bots set at different levels.


it's time for all goyim to unite, first of all we must put on our tinfoil hats


It's my understanding that tinfoil hats can cause excessive orgone accumulation in the brain. This is not dangerous in itself, but is known to contribute to catastrophically impaired judgment in some cases.


I just played 4 accounts, 3 wins 1 draw, and 3 that go back 2 years with an average of ~200 games. Admittedly, it's not many for 2 years but still you would think after 200 games the site would have figured out your level of play.

If I am not the rating this account has, then why am I getting paired with it? It's not like I am beating players who created their account yesterday or a week ago and are actually 600.

Then, if I continued with this account, I would eventually lose 600 points and play accounts who indeed have an account created a day or week ago.

HOWdumbDOyouTHINKiAM wrote:

I have made over 500 accounts ...

This sounds like a cause for concern ...


Is it true that Martin Stahl is an AI bot?

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