hi I need help to know how to play chess properly
what do u think is the quickist way to win
heloo so if you check out the 2 very helpfull posts by usman tair you will see that they are very usefull and can win lots of games
these r 2 very helpfull posts by usman tair which can help you win lots of games and become high rateing players such as my self and fellow mate usman
these r 2 very helpfull posts by usman tair wich help many people such as my self reach hight places and increase our leagues
hello it is your host unfortunately there has not been any post by anyone today but from that pls stay tuned for tmrs update
You can't win in two moves, not against me you can.
And I'm a 100-200, and 99% of the time, my opponents hang a queen or a bishop whilst attempting the scholars mate