it looks like most of the high rated TT people here got their rating 6months to a year ago when all the puzzles were massively over rated (or maybe now under rated?)
If you look at some of the comments in TT puzzles from the sad people who have pasted in their score you can see puzzles that were say.. 2100 back then are now sub 1800 - and they'll never be going back by the looks of it.
I think the TT rating is currently a bit under rated .
I'm about 1600 USCF and I consider myself a positional player, yet my tactics rating peaked at well above 2200. I'm maintaining somewhere in the 2000s at the moment I believe.
Granted I am probably underated USCF.
My online is around 1760, but my blitz rating (1400-1600 at the moment) is horribly innaccurate: I hang pieces some days, play brilliantly others, sometimes lose on time. I can have a 200 point swing in a few days depending on how I feel (usually a 200 point drop.)
Yeah I feel the exact same way. On this site I have been rated in the high 1800's and low in the 1400's. I usually am around 1600 most of the time. But I mostly play 1 min games which can be quite unpredictable. My tactics training rating atm is 1860 or so and climbing.
But I am a streaky player. Some days I play very strong and other times not. Sometimes it's game to game. That's why I get accused of using a bot or something, my strength wildly varies.