
What is FIDE Online Arena? How does it work? Is FIDE Arena Elo = FIDE ELO


I was on the FIDE website and I found this FIDE Online Arena chess room. It promises a few things, but I found I am not fully understanding the concept.


Do the elo earned on FIDE arena count as FIDE elo, or just another online elo like on



JayeshSinhaChess wrote:

I was on the FIDE website and I found this FIDE Online Arena chess room. It promises a few things, but I found I am not fully understanding the concept.


Do the elo earned on FIDE arena count as FIDE elo, or just another online elo like on



A FIDE Arena rating/title is kind like getting an online degree in "Life Experiences"  yea its a degree, but it doesnt count for anything. 


Yeah this is what I wanted to know guys I don't have a FIDE rating currently. I have only ever played 1 FIDE rated tournament and I didn't beat any FIDE rated player. On presently I hover in the 1400 (+-50) range. Suppose I were to get an elo of 1400 or forget 1400 say 1100 on FIDE Arena. Then if I went to a FIDE rated OTB tournament will my rating during the FIDE OTB tournament be reflected as unrated or 1100?


In other words are FIDE online arena elo and FIDE OTB elo interlinked or do they exist separately. No matter how well I do on FIDE arena, I will remain unrated with FIDE for OTB till I earn a rating in an OTB tournament.


If that is the case then FIDE arena is not worth anything. FIDE online arena elo is just glorified nothing.


FIDE rated tournaments (OTBs) are the real deal. Everything else is fake.


So basically FIDE Online Arena elo is nothing different from elo. In the sense that it means absolutely nothing outside of the site?


yes bro... it's just a waste of money too. You can use the same money as entry fees for some tournaments instead of wasting it on getting some useless titles like AGM,AIM, etc. Nobody cares about them, at least I don't.


This is about how much an Arena title is worth.  The paper its printed on.


I think what you're really paying for is their anti-cheating process, the unified collection of both OTB and Arena ratings, and the fact that people paying for a membership are most likely serious about chess.


FIDE arena ratings, online ratings from other chess websites, OTB ratings, it doesn't matter, ANY of them.  The way a chess player is evaluated by any of these methods is simply too primitive,  none of them do a good job at properly measuring the chess player's actual knowledge of the many aspects of the game.   These rating methods only measure (badly) how consistent and/or inconsistent the chess player is at winning, losing, and drawing games, you don't need real chess knowledge to consistently and/or inconsistently do any of those things,  you just need a chess opponent, the 32 pieces, a chess clock, and a chess board to do that.  When we implement a rating system that measures accuracy of the chess player in every move during each game in his whole chess career or let's say in each game over a course of every 100 games he plays, then I will believe in ratings and "titles"... 


I saw that the conversation is 3 years back but i would like to state my opinion about it . First of all , a title in arena it can be used in real otb tournaments and it gives you mostly self confidence although like otb tournament titles give you something else but ok . So yeah the titles and arena is recognised in many things of course comparing with otb tournaments and if you see games played between GM , IM or tournament results you will see that AGM , AIM have won GM and IM i've seen like for instance an IM with 2000 arena rating which means AGM so titles are a bit complex . You might tell me ok they are GM or IM its ok if they lost . Yes , it is ok but in this big rating difference between the titles lets say is very extraordinary to lose i would say especially in a tournament that i saw with prize pools which means that players were doing the best possible to win . It's worthy because of the recognition that it has . Even tho yes arena titles arent as good as otb titles but its worthy . AFM Charalampos Davalas


The only reaction one could expect if the opponent "sees AGM or AIM" in a real tournament is laughter.

Arena titles dont actually exist because the rating is not actually displayed as real rating on FIDE. It was a temporary money making machine who has been as of Dec2019 disavowed by FIDE in a press release on their website. So yeah, you can brag with the piece of paper to people unfamiliar with chess but no more than that.

pfren escreveu:

FIDE has announced the intention to unify the OTB ratings with the Arena ones

Oh, God, please no.  That would mess the whole system up very badly!  Also, chess ia a board game: a computer screen might simulate a board so we can have fun or practice, like here, but it is not a board.  As technology progresses, it is increasingly clear competitive chess is one of those things that don't get along very well with computers; thank God these things exist: imagine how horrible life would be if one's major achievements were all made whilst sat by a computer (Jeez!).

Andrei9360 escreveu:

It was a temporary money making machine who has been as of Dec2019 disavowed by FIDE in a press release on their website.

Indeed; the source is


On the Arena's titles: personally, I feel like a Lichess Master is more respectable than an Arena GM, but in the end all of them are worth not much outside of the site itself.


I would be ashamed to call myself arena grandmaster in real life, knowing that the requirements are something like 100 online games with an online rating of 2100 or higher. What a joke.

kaspariano wrote:

FIDE arena ratings, online ratings from other chess websites, OTB ratings, it doesn't matter, ANY of them.  The way a chess player is evaluated by any of these methods is simply too primitive,  none of them do a good job at properly measuring the chess player's actual knowledge of the many aspects of the game.   These rating methods only measure (badly) how consistent and/or inconsistent the chess player is at winning, losing, and drawing games, you don't need real chess knowledge to consistently and/or inconsistently do any of those things,  you just need a chess opponent, the 32 pieces, a chess clock, and a chess board to do that.  When we implement a rating system that measures accuracy of the chess player in every move during each game in his whole chess career or let's say in each game over a course of every 100 games he plays, then I will believe in ratings and "titles"... 


I couldn't disagree more. What is the point of having a great accuracy in almost all your moves if you can't win a game? Ratings should depend only on the results of the games.


You can earn a FIDE rating online, provided FIDE arbiters are present at both sides. 


I don't understand the negativity. It is just playing platforms like chesscom or lichess or cheescube. You can say easily my rating on chesscom is 1700 on lichess 1800 .. because truly you did play against players there and presented a certain level in regard to competition and quality there. 

You can do the same on Chess Arena and enjoy the fun.  And it is more fun if you get some name with your rating.

The honest truth is that most of us have neither money nor time to play live and will give some investment of one day a month to play a tournament or study out of the pleasure of chess. We are not seen but there are many IM and GM levels without the official title but just on screens. My brother is a good example. He beats regularly them but is not the titled. 

Drago108 wrote:

I don't understand the negativity. It is just playing platforms like chesscom or lichess or cheescube. You can say easily my rating on chesscom is 1700 on lichess 1800 .. because truly you did play against players there and presented a certain level in regard to competition and quality there. 

You can do the same on Chess Arena and enjoy the fun.  


btw, world chess in recent months constantly improving site. it is just playing site and has all it needs , i personally like it's minimalistic (kind of art) design. they look much more dedicated to their own style or call it standard rather than attract everything and everybody.

f.e. when you play OTB you do not have possibility to replace your rooks and bishoops with elephants, chickens or whatsoever, nor you can choose pink-yellow board from organizer, nor you can play other sort of games with chess pieces etc etc, all of these options we got 'used' on various sites are actually to attract to chess the ones who are not actually interested too much and this 'adjusted to wide mass' options actually decrease site seriousness.

they (world chess) sorted out some bugs too. lobby shows 4-5 players at time but if you seek for game you ll get it fast enough unless after midnight (CET) when less players are active. It is nice way to know who you are playing at moment (all Foa rated players have FIDE ID shown)  it is more realistic and good for comparisson of personal progress.

but at the end it is matter of style, if you do not like go somwhere else. i like it, i pay membership, i play there because i like game room design, i watch wcc match exclusively there.

just let us have a look on new released chess24 play arena design and feedback from their users for example, that is real disaster.





On Aug 4, 2021, FIDE and World Chess have signed an agreement that regulates operations of FIDE Online Arena. FIDE Online Arena is the exclusive official FIDE gaming platform, FOA ratings and titles are recognized by FIDE and are included in the players’ FIDE profile. 

FIDE Online Arena regulations form part of the FIDE Handbook and can be found at

More information on

Seems to be real? 


It’s legit according to the latest news, however any chess platform could chose to either make the title visible on their platform or not.

So & lichess for example could say we don’t make it available but the titles are still legit.

You also need to maintain the minimum required  ELO rating during the amount of games you’ve played to receive the title you’re aiming for.

For example: an AGM must play at least a certain amount of games with a performance rating above 2000.

Besides a 1100 in the online arena is mostly stronger than one on and lichess.

I usually find opponents here stronger than lichess so, might be just me but the rating calculation seems also to be platform dependent.

Since Jan 2020 there only 382 Arena Candidate Masters, just to give you a perspective it ain’t that simple. 786 Arena IMs and 395 Arena GMs.

I don’t get the negativity around it, maybe because of different communications in the past but to receive a FIDE title its basically the same: achieve a certain elo and win a certain amount of games and norms (depending on title) There are certain specs and exceptions but that’s to be found in the handbook.

pfren wrote:

FIDE Arena is so reliable that the Federation has avoided using it for it's online and hybrid official tournaments during the pandemic, and has completely switched to Tornelo.

Actually the one and only reason FIDE is still loosely affiliated to FIDE Arena (which is held by a private company) are the signed contracts.

What are the Arena titles worth? Well, there are many "Arena Grandmasters" which are rated 1700 FIDE, and (well) below. They are so important, that the "titled players" list has been removed from the FIDE Arena site, and even the new design of the site is that of an online store selling snake oil.

Hence its in the FIDE handbook:

The titles are official and created for the lower ratings. I don’t see a valid reason to be so negative about this.

Not everyone can and will participate in tournaments, physically and/or hybrid. Besides you often have to pay for that as well, especially participating in physical tournaments is expensive. Travel, accommodation, … that is if you achieve the title .

 I mean, the rules are quite similar. 

Also there like less than 400 AGMs.

That you have to pay like 50 euros to receive the title after achieving the requirements is a small fee compared to what you pay to join, travel to and find accommodation to achieve a FIDE title, that’s if you achieve it.  On top of that you pay 25 euros per year. With all due respect but don’t want to know how much you paid or were sponsored over the years to achieve your IM title, plus all the hours of studying and enhancing your skills.


I think it shows there’s a good direction in online and hybrid chess and chess tournaments. It grants chances for someone that’s passionel about the game, wants to advance and is aiming for titles. 

Kind regards,
