
What is the best move for white in the position?


xtreme2020 wrote:

The king will just escape if you do that

Yeah, kd7
It leads to mate in I think 6
#3 no, it can’t escape any way, but there are also lots of other moves that work too

Positions like this aren't very suited to present as a puzzle. One key characteristic of a good puzzle, for lower rated players at least, is that they have a clear solution. If you play more puzzles on, you'll notice that the correct move is always a move that's obviously better than the alternatives.

Because of that the player that tries to solve the puzzle will usually know when they have found the correct move.

In this position these are the top engine moves (at depth 99):

Top engine moves

As you can see the best move is a mate in 5, but there are also at least 4 candidate moves that are a mate in 6. That makes this a terrible puzzle: for two reasons

  • This is very hard to calculate for all possible outcomes. Because there are multiple viable options calculating them all takes time. Players like you are not expected to find Kd7 here. 
  • The second problem is that are moves are practically equally good. It doesn't really matter what you play here. And you won't get that feeling like you found the solution, because the alternatives are almost as good. 

You should play more puzzles and learn more about chess before you start sharing puzzles. At the very least you should check what the solution is before you start correcting other players with wrong information.