
What is the lowest elo rating grandmaster?


Like most grandmasters are like 2599 - 2889 but who's the lowest elo rating Grandmaster


Most Grandmasters are not 2600 or higher rated. In fact, it used to be that a 2400 GM was considered a "strong Grandmaster" in rating. Players have been getting better and better lately (with better training and using computers to learn), but Grandmaster as a title is about norms and not just rating number.

I don't know what the average GM rating is, but I'd estimate it is probably around 2500 by now and the lowest would probably be about 2200 with exceptions. By exceptions, I'm referring to certain things like honorary titles, or how some events give titles as an award, so the player ratings might be much lower in that case. claims that 2174 FIDE is the lowest GM, but I am not so sure this is true.

The lowest rated GM is Mihai Suba with a staggering 1956 rating in classical.

thanks for answering my question

medelpad wrote:
The lowest rated GM is Mihai Suba with a staggering 1956 rating in classical.

FIDE rating lists don't mean much. They include inactive players, as well as deceased ones- e.g. you can see in the list GM NikolaI Spiridonov who passed away three and a half years ago.

Romanian GM Mihai Suba is a strong and dangerous player, and he has a very low rating because he is still playing quite a bit, despite being 78 y.o.