Mike Basman could beat Ding Loren with the Grob bro!
Yeah, if Ding were drunk!
Mike Basman could beat Ding Loren with the Grob bro!
Yeah, if Ding were drunk!
I think it is Napoleon Attack
That isn't so bad compared to other openings we've discussed.
This is the worst opening. The best way to tell your opponent your a tool who doesn't know how to play chess.
ChessMasteryOfficial, with all due respect, I disagree.
You have two very bad openings. One weakens the king, the other also weakens the king. However, I have some other optioins.
Firstly, the Barnes Opening and Barnes Defense. Both weaken the king, but don't fianchetto the bishop and also block out the knight. In fact, the Barnes Defense is almost losing by force. Which means the Grob is out, and that's not even considering the Fried Fox defense, which accomplishes the same things, only it is somewhat worse than the Bongcloud.
Next, the Duras Gambit. It loses a pawn and weakens the king, making it hard for black to hold. However, that's only the second worst.
Finally, the Damiano Defense, which in my opinion, loses black the game. If black takes a knight sacrifice, they lose a rook or get checkmated, which is far worse than a pawn and a slightly weak king. Even if black declines, they lose a pawn and white is so active that it even surpasses the Duras gambit, Bongcloud, Barnes Opening and Defense, and all other losing openings.
I'm not just looking to sway you, but I'm trying to get you to see some openings that may make you reconsider.
And same with the Hippo and Amah Openings.
And the Haxo Gambit.
And you already know what I said about the Grob, unless you haven't read the whole thing about me saying stuff about the Grob.