
What is your Elo?


Just want to know how many of you have a rating in real life and how high it is.I also would 

be interested in how long you’ve been playing and how many tournaments you have played.Please don’t be mean to those who have low ratings.Thank you 😃!


I have Been playing chess 55 years

Highest UK grade was 170 BCF in 1987

Not played tournament since 1987

Best ever WIN beat Micky Adams when he was 13 I am getting to old for speed chess

I have been playing for three years and my elo jumped from 700 to 950 in less than a week. I have been to at least 20 tournaments and I have been to a national and international tournament to

I don't have a real life elo, but from what I see about 1500- 1600 is my estimation. I live in a small town, but have been to a couple tournaments, I'm still young and dolan to go to many more! I have been playing one year


i think my elo in real life is about 700-800 but in i have 1019


Ive been playing for a lil over a year, my rating is 2000 but irl its 1600.