
What's the exact name of this trap .



Italian Game: Knight Attack, Ponziani-Steinitz Gambit

justbefair wrote:

Italian Game: Knight Attack, Ponziani-Steinitz Gambit

Thanks man


The opening name may be "Italian Game: Knight Attack, Ponziani-Steinitz Gambit", but that I wouldn't consider a "trap". Some may want to call it the Anti-Fried Liver Attack, or looking at it from white's perspective it kinda reminds me of the Nelson Bot, but delayed. I'd call it the "Nelson Bot Delayed".

The key feature here is the "early" (delayed) queen to h4. You can stop this with Qd2. Or, look into 5. Bxf7+

This wins the pawn, makes the king move which prevents castling, and it has to move in the path of the queen so it can't go to h4. But what if black just plays 4...d5 instead? The Polerio seems to be the best Anti-Fried Liver setup.

Bringing your queen out too early is still bringing your queen out too early, regardless if it is delayed. Stick to principles. So, what constitutes a trap?

PlayThatMoveTomorrow wrote:

The opening name may be "Italian Game: Knight Attack, Ponziani-Steinitz Gambit", but that I wouldn't consider a "trap". Some may want to call it the Anti-Fried Liver Attack, or looking at it from white's perspective it kinda reminds me of the Nelson Bot, but delayed. I'd call it the "Nelson Bot Delayed".

The key feature here is the "early" (delayed) queen to h4. You can stop this with Qd2. Or, look into 5. Bxf7+

This wins the pawn, makes the king move which prevents castling, and it has to move in the path of the queen so it can't go to h4. But what if black just plays 4...d5 instead? The Polerio seems to be the best Anti-Fried Liver setup.

Bringing your queen out too early is still bringing your queen out too early, regardless if it is delayed. Stick to principles. So, what constitutes a trap?

Yeah The checkmate is easily avoidable but if white still plays horse to f7 , then It is a wonderful counterattack against unaware players