Which country is best in chess
How do you define best? The country with the best player (then it is Norway)? The country with the two best players (then it is India, US, France, China or Norway)? The country with the 5 best players (then it is India or US)? The country with the 100 best players (then it is probably India, China or Russia)? The country with the highest rated x% of population (then it is probably Norway, Iceland, Israel or ...)? Or ... ?
According to current chess rankings, the United States is considered the best chess country overall, based on the highest average rating among its top players.
Key points:
Top country: United States
Other strong chess nations: India, China, Russia
I am taking about the best country which produces many chess players.
Well. If many means way more than 100, then the answer is probably India or Russia. If you look at elo list it will probably be Russia, but a match over +100 boards could be won by India, as many Indian players are underrated.
I think it's india🇮🇳