Who is your favorite chess youtuber?
I’m basic, GothemChess. Although Daniel Naroditskys speedruns and commentary are fun from time to time.
Ok. I understand GothamChess because of the Rook. BUT WHAT ABOUT THE QUEEN DANCE HE DID?!?! That totally takes the top. If not, SadisticTushi gets the diabetes.
I probably watch Danny King with more enthusiasm than the others I subscribe to. If not King, then Eric Rosen. I’ll watch Gotham or Nakamura, but don’t subscribe to either. I think Levy is smart and Hikaru’s vocabulary entertains, but there is superior instructive value in PowerPlay (King’s channel), kingcrusher’s amazing historical series, Dejan Bojkov’s clarity of explanation, and Eric Rosen’s speedrun.
I like gothamchess ;)