I was winning
Who was winning
Is the man pictured Alexander Bogdanov?
If yes, then he appears to be a spectator, not the opponent.
In 1908 at Capri there are 2 recorded Lenin Games, but in both he played white:
Lenin was winning, even if he was losing. He'd just slowly expose you to the idea that he's never lost. You are free to believe otherwise from the Gulag.
Mate, I will put YOU in a Gulag for the vapid and unhelpful irrelevance of that comment. And not even factually accurate! Gulag (Glavnoje Upravlenije Ispraviteljno-Trudovyh Lagerej - Main Administration of Correctional Labor Camps) was actually established in April 1930, making it impossible for Lenin to put you in a Gulag since he died in January 1924. I'm actually pretty sure he lost this game, but I need the sources about the match.
Can someone analyse whether Lenin was winning or losing this chess game with Bogdanov in April 1908?